How To Stay In Great Shape With A Foot Or Ankle Injury.
Learn how to stay in great shape with a foot or ankle injury with this full fitness program to keep you strong, lean, and toned.

Stay in great shape with a foot or ankle injury! Check out my Full “Hurt Foot Fitness” Program here. An INTERACTIVE, COMPREHENSIVE Lifestyle course (fitness, nutrition, and stress management) to keep you feeling positive and HEALING positively.
Hurt Foot Fitness Program For Total Body Success
Go To Guide for Keeping Your Body and Mind Fit While Healing A Foot or Lower Leg Injury.
Hello my friend,
I’m so happy we’ve found each other online. No injury is a good injury… but foot injuries? They are pretty brutal aren’t they? The healing process is long and often an emotional roller coaster of ups and downs; good and bad days. If you are struggling with an injury right now I want you to know: you are not alone. I know how you feel and my heart goes out to you!
I’ve been in your shoes (and your boot). I’ve felt the sadness, fear, anxiety, depression, isolation, frustration, regret, anger, physical and emotional upset of dealing with a foot injury. I’ve felt it all.
I remember believing that I’d never be truly fit if I couldn’t run or jump. That being sidelined with a hurt foot meant I wouldn’t be able to do hard workouts. I worried I would get super out of shape and all of my muscles would deteriorate. I thought I would go crazy without running as a stress reliever. I thought my life as a fit, active, healthy person was over.
But through recovering from my foot injury, I surprised myself and proved all of those fearful thoughts wrong. I found ways to stay challenged, strong, healthy, and sane. Now I want to share these positive exercises with others to ease the injury recovery process and help people stay fit (and sane) through the journey towards full health.
Getting hurt sucks. I know it. But whatever happened has happened and now it’s up to you to make the best of it. Every day is a choice, and injury or not, you can choose to rise up to the challenge and live a strong, positive life. I did it and I believe you can do it too.
Injury is an opportunity to strengthen your physical, mental, and spiritual fitness. If you are working through a foot or lower leg injury right now, I am here to support you. Are you ready to take this injury as an opportunity to learn and grow stronger? Then this Hurt Foot Fitness Program is for you.
I have helped people all over the world stay in shape while recovering from foot and lower leg injuries. I am here to use my expertise and experience to give you guidance, hope, strength, and light during the frustrating process of being sidelined from the active life you love. This comprehensive guide was created to help you take a proactive approach to healing and stay fit, focused, and positive while you recover.
Here’s what my Hurt Foot Fitness Program clients have to say:
Hurt Foot Fitness Program Client Testimonials
“Aloha from Maui Caroline! I just want to thank you so much for your positive attitude. You have helped me get through such a rough time. Since Sept. my Father was in and out of hospital sick and passed away March 28th. Meanwhile I had broke my foot and had surgery in Jan. I was on crutches for 2 months and just got out of my boot this past Monday. Your ‘Hurt Foot Fitness Program’ got me through it without going crazy from not being able to exercise. I’m an avid runner and spinner so it took everything for me to not go crazy. I start PT on Monday and looking forward to getting my life back. Thanks again for ALL your positiveness from the bottom of my heart.” – Lauren, Maui, Hawaii
“Hi Caroline, My name is Bob Mayer, and I live in northern Wisconsin. I’ve never so much as commented on a YouTube video before, but I needed to go out of my way to thank you for providing the broken foot workouts. I’m a triathlete, half-marathon runner, cross country skier, basketball player, and (aspiring) weightlifter. So, having a broken foot really upends my lifestyle. I’m appreciative that folks like you are willing to put some time into people like me that have a frustrating injury. Again, thanks! Keep up the good work. Best, Bob” – Bob Mayer, Wisconsin
“Two broken metatarsals and unfortunately a non union fracture meant that your work outs were all that kept me sane for 9 months. I am complete convert to your anything is better than nothing mantra. THANK YOU”
“Hi, Caroline! I just wanted to say thank you, really! I sprained my ankle for the first time in life, 5 months ago and it was horrible! It happened after training and I was so depressed about it and felt so helpless not able to move for almost 2 weeks and then having pain and not training at all. I was so happy to find your Hurt Foot Fitness Program and your YouTube videos have been so helpful ! Thank you for your advices, positive energy and help in such hard time. You rock! Keep on your great work! Looking forward to more videos from you! Have a great summer, Trisha” Trisha, Denmark
“Caroline, I just want to thank you SO much not only for your Hurt Foot Fitness Program and YouTube workouts for a broken foot, but for your AWESOME attitude and positive energy!! I have really been lifted up by your validation and empowering dialogue. Seriously, it is a hard thing to recover from an injury and have my usual cardio addiction at a standstill. Your workouts were my turning point from feeling completely depressed and victimized by my injury–to feeling optimistic and empowered that there IS something I can do to stay fit and positive. Your quote, “The only disability is a bad attitude” is like my new life motto!! I can’t tell you how much I needed that! And I can tell I’m healing faster with working out too. Thank you so much for your amazing work!! It’s making a huge difference for me!! ” Elsie Madison, California
“I just wanted to thank you for your Hurt Foot Fitness Program! I run around 5/6 miles a day pushing my two daughters in their running buggy but two weeks ago I badly sprained my ankle going down a slide with my eldest ? your workouts have saved me from going insane and helped me maintain the body I’ve worked hard for after having my youngest daughter 4 months ago! I think you’re totally fabulous and love your work. Xx” – Chloe Rake Leeds England
“Thank You for Your Hurt Foot Fitness Program, I injured my ankle 3 weeks ago at jogging. and have to wear ankle brace…I was looking for some guidance on how to work out and found You. I am working out with Hurt Foot Fitness Program and I love all the workouts. All workouts are very positive and I am trying to do my best. I always thought, that all my body-workouts were good enough, but after first of Your workouts, I was like dead…and day after -> hurting in my core….couldn’t laugh how it was hurting wow. That was great feeling. It is going better and better with every workout. Want to start with jogging in July and then I will have to look at Your Youtube channel for warming up and cooling down workouts before and after jogging. Hope You have some. I like your meditation videos too, I always wanted to start it and didn’t know how to meditate. Thank You for Your positive way, it is nice to listen to You Many greetings from Germany” Michaela Heimlich
“Your Hurt Foot Fitness Program was a lifesaver for me! I really appreciate your kindness and encouragement too! You are so right when you say that you can even use these exercises after the injury has healed! It is a great core workout! Thank you!”
Are you ready to be a Hurt Foot Fitness success story? Join our community online and off of positive people staying fit and strong while overcoming an injury challenge.
I created this Hurt Foot Fitness Program to help you keep your body and mind fit while healing from a hurt foot or lower leg injury. In order to heal properly you must be ready to make the commitment to be good to your body and take a proactive approach to doing everything you can to promote healing. This means making the commitment to follow your doctor’s recommendations, do all of your physical therapy exercises, listen to your body’s needs, eat a nutrient rich diet, invest in healing supplements, rest, and work on keeping your mind in a peaceful place.
Recovering from an injury means focusing your training schedule and fitness goals on healing and coming back stronger. Are you ready to heal your body and get stronger inside and out? If you are ready to commit to be good to yourself, this program will help you keep your body and mind in shape while you recover from an injury and return to 100% health.

In this Hurt Foot Fitness Program you will learn:
- Exercises and workouts you can safely do to maintain lean muscle mass, strength, fitness, and flexibility.
- How to put together a weekly Hurt Foot exercise program schedule and routine that fits your personal needs.
- Nutrition tips and guidelines for how to eat to heal faster and feel better.
- Tools and resources to help you through the mental challenges of injury
- How to stay positive and use injury to help you transform into a stronger person inside and out.
- How to safely return to active living and prevent future injuries.
Expect these Results From my Hurt Foot Fitness Program:
- Coaching, support and guidance to help you learn how to take care of yourself through the recovery process.
- Fresh ideas for exercises and workouts you can use to help maintain physical and mental fitness
- Guidance on structuring a weekly workout schedule
- Customized Hurt Foot Workout fitness resources
- Motivation and inspiration to keep you strong while you heal. Coaching on how to keep your mindset and attitude positive and turn any challenge into an opportunity for powerful personal growth.
Hurt Foot Guidebook Table of Contents:
- Workouts and exercises to help you maintain your physical fitness while recovering from a foot or lower leg injury
- Samples of Hurt Foot Weekly Workout Programs
- Foods and Supplements to Speed Healing From a Bone Break or Injury.
- How To Stay Positive (and not lose your mind) when Recovering from a foot or lower leg injury
- Stress and Mindfulness Resources.
- Getting back into the Game of Active Living. Training Suggestions for a Safe Return to Exercise.
- Conclusion and Thank you
Having a foot or ankle injury is challenging in every way. But don’t worry, I’m here to help you stay positive and fit as you recover. I’ve been there and know how hard injury can be, but I believe in you and know you can heal quickly by being smart, staying positive, and finding your strong. Ready to get started? Buy my Hurt Foot Fitness Program and let’s keep you in great shape while you recover from a foot or ankle injury.
ENROLL in the Program and Stay In Great Shape With A Foot or Ankle Injury! CLICK HERE.
I can’t wait to share this fabulously fit program with you and help you stay in great shape while you recover from a foot or ankle injury! I know how incredibly frustrating and challenging dealing with an injury can be. It helps to stay positive, patient, and focus on the steps you can take right now to move forward. I hope this Hurt Foot program offers you tools, resources, comfort, and support through this difficult time. It is important that you recognize that you can choose how you react to your situation. Simply by investing in this guidebook and making a commitment to your health, you are choosing to react to a challenging situation with strength. I am proud of you and I want you to know : YOUR BODY WILL HEAL. You will come back from this injury stronger and with more appreciation for the active life you love.
Stay strong and stay positive, I am sending healing energy your way.
My mission is to help you develop a positive relationship to self and exercise that adds to the quality of your life. Check out my list of services, stay connected about upcoming events by subscribing to my email newsletter, or contact me at [email protected] to discuss ways we can work together and live well.
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