Cool Down Stretches After Running – Quick Effective Exercises (10 Minutes) with PEAK Tachi

cool down stretches after running

The Best cool down stretches after running to help you recover right. Press play on this quick effective 10 minute flexibility flow for healthier running muscles.

cool down stretches after running

If you love to run…. then you’ve got to keep your body FIT to run. Its TRUE! In order to keep running healthy and strong, its important to maintain a balanced strength and stretching routine. But I see SO many runners skip their strength training and stretching! I know you are busy and have a million things on your to-do list. But skipping the cool down stretches after running will put you at greater risk for an injury and hurt your future performance. To help you, I created the perfect 10 minute cool down stretches after running routine that you can squeeze in post workout to support proper recovery.

This cool down stretches after routine will allow you to initiate the recovery process. I guide you through a simple, effective flexibility flow to relax your body and mind. You’ll probably feel so good after the 10 minutes is done, you’ll start to look forward to it after your runs!

Bookmark this video so that after your run is done you have exactly what you need to finish strong. Ready to cool down and stretch with me? Press play on this cool down stretches after running routine.

Cool Down Stretches After Running – Quick Effective Exercises (10 Minutes) with PEAK Tachi

Special thanks to PEAK Tachi for sponsoring this video and letting me wear their super sweet PEAK Tatchi Running Shoe!

** As always please check with your doctor or physical therapist before starting this or any exercise routine. Honor your body, move mindfully, and stop if you feel any pain**

If you use this cool down stretches after running routine and find it helpful in recovery post training, Id LOVE to hear about it! Please leave me a comment and let me know how you feel. And thank you for sharing this video with other runners in your life – together we can help each other train SMART.

Here to help you use movement as medicine to feel your very best,


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