High Fiber Sugar Free Keto Chocolate Chip Cookies

keto chocolate chip cookies

These sugar free keto chocolate chip cookies WILL . MAKE . YOU . POO . (oh yes, I went there… ) Satisfy your sweet tooth and give your gut a healthy boost with these delicious treats. 19 calories per cookie too, read on for the recipe so you can make them yourself…

Corona virus quarantine times brought out a lot of interesting stay at home projects. I re-organized my pantry, color coated my closet, completed several T.V. series on netflix, and experimented cooking in the kitchen. I’ve always been a creative cook, but with more time on my hands I got even more innovative. One of the best inventions to come out of the crazy pandemic is my original recipe for sugar free keto chocolate chip cookies. I’m always trying to find healthier recipe options to honor my health while still satisfying cravings. And even though the grocery store shelves are stocked with “Keto” “Paleo” and “Vegan” products, I try to stay away from the processed stuff. Plus when you make it yourself you can control the ingredients. So through a lot of trial and error, I made these healthy treats. The recipe contains Oat Fiber (not to be confused with Oat Flour!).

What is oat fiber? Oat fiber is the inedible hull, hulk or outer shell of the oat grain. It is pure insoluble fiber which means that your body cannot digest any nutritional value, therefore it passes through the intestines undigested. For anyone needing to enrich his or her body with extra fiber, then oat fiber may be the fix you are looking for. Each individual serving packs a hefty dosage of dietary fiber.

Oat fiber is virtually indigestible, and therefore it contains zero carbs and nutrients. The insoluble fiber helps reduce constipation, promotes a full feeling for long periods of time, and may help reduce overall LDL cholesterol. Oat fiber is calorie free and a great filler for baking recipes. This is the kind of Oat fiber I use for baking, you can find more information here.

These cookies also contain flaxseed, almond flour, and applesause – which are also high fiber foods. So bottom line is, these cookies are PACKED with fiber and WILL help your digestion by making you poop. Are you blushing yet? Me too. But hey, i love a good poo. Here’s how to make these sugar free keto cookies on your own. I’ve linked the ingredients for you that I use, simply click on the ingredient to be directed to it on amazon.

High Fiber Sugar Free Keto Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe



  1. First make the flax egg. Combine 2tsp flaxseed meal with 6 tsp water. Stir. Set in the fridge for at least 15 minutes or more.
  2. Preheat oven to 350*
  3. Combine all dry ingredients: almond flour, oat fiber, monkfruit sweetener, baking soda, salt. Add wet ingredients: almond extract, vanilla extract, applesauce, and flax egg. Stir carefully. Then add almond milk to the consistency you want. I usually use 3-5 Tbsp almond milk depending on if I want thicker cookies or thinner ones.
  4. Add chocolate chips to taste . I dont love a lot of chocolate chips, but some people do! Go with what you like.
  5. Put parchment paper on a cookie sheet. Lightly spray parchment paper with coconut oil spray. Place cookie dough on parchment paper. Put in oven for 12-14 minutes. NOTE: different ovens have different cooking times. Keep an eye on your cookies so not to burn them.
  6. Take out of oven and let sit for 30 minutes or more.

I entered all of the ingredients for this recipe in My Fitness Pal, and here’s what I go for Nutrition Facts photo below

NINETEEN calories per cookie?! Can that be true? Well Merry Christmas and Happy EVERYTHING to YOU. A cookie that is LOW calorie, HIGH fiber, and will satisfy your craving for sugar without hurting your health.

There you have it, my best Corona Virus invention to date: high fiber sugar free keto chocolate chip cookies that will make you poop while satisfying your sweet tooth! I have the best writing this post and I hope if you make this recipe it makes you happy! If so, Id love to hear what you think. Leave me a comment below and share your recipe reviews. Do you like these high fiber keto chocolate chip cookies as much as I do?

If you like this recipe please SHARE this post on social media or with a friend who you feel would like some sugar free keto chocolate chip cookies too. Better yet, if you enjoy and benefit from the content I create, please consider becoming a Patreon. Patreons are those who donate a SMALL dollar amount every month to support this work and its continued growth. You can learn more about Patreon HERE and it would mean so much to me to have you on my team helping share movement medicine with the world.

I hope you are off baking up a storm. Sending sweet thoughts and good vibes to you.


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2 Replies to “High Fiber Sugar Free Keto Chocolate Chip Cookies”

  1. Hi Caroline, I came across your recipe and I’m excited to make it. However, I’m confused about the flaxseed egg because in your video, you say 2 tablespoons of flaxseed and 6 tablespoons of water, but in the recipe you wrote down it’s 2 TSP, which I know is teaspoons and 6 TSP of water.

    Is it 2 Tbsp/tablespoon or 3 tsp/teaspoon

    Thank you,


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