How To Be Healthy When You Are Busy (REAL tips that WORK!)

When it comes to being healthy when you are really busy, its all about planning ahead. Fail to plan, plan to fail, ya hear me? Which is why Im making this video, to help you look at the big picture of your life and see where you could make some habit shifts for improved health. Once actions becomes consistent habits in your life, you see results. Little changes can net big outcomes IF you are ready and willing. Maybe this video will give you new ideas or help you revisit actions you’ve tried in the past that have helped.

Living a more active life and finding time to be healthy when you are crazy busy starts with a mindset shift. You have to be willing to drop the all-or-nothing mindset and look for ways to get moving every chance you get. Exercise is not limited to workouts. Don’t aim only to be active for 30 minutes three times a week—aim to integrate more activity into your daily life. Doing so will help keep you mobile, happy, and fit. You’ll be up for anything—a mover who can handle life’s challenges with ease.

People always say “I’m too busy to exercise,” “I have to be there for the kids,” “I’ve got too much work.” You know what? These are little lies you’re telling yourself, and they go against the laws of self-preservation, because the more whole and healthy you are, the more fully you can give to other people.

Our health is one of the most important things we can prioritize, yet it often remains one of the most neglected parts of our busy lives. We all want to eat well, exercise, and take downtime every day. But when everything is moving fast, the world is screaming for your attention, and you just don’t have time, the last thing you feel you can do is take time for yourself.

Here’s the truth, though: the only way you can operate at full speed without crashing is by making your health your number-one priority.

When it comes to being healthy and balanced, time management is everything. Life is a constantly evolving juggling act of personal and professional priorities. You want to learn the skills to adapt to life’s changes and challenges without running yourself into the ground. The key to juggling is to keep everything in perspective and focus on what’s most important to you. When you take the time to define a big picture of WHAT you want, then you can use your energy towards what’s most helpful in making that happen. Here are some suggestions for how you can manage your time well and move forward toward your big picture.

Put Yourself on the Calendar. Block out time on your calendar every week for your self-care. Include times for exercise, grocery shopping, meals, date night, or other self-care. To really accomplish your goals, make this time commitment nonnegotiable. Treat your self-care appointments like any other essential appointments you can’t miss. YOU are the CEO of your health and your schedule is within your control.

It can be helpful to Hire a Professional. You can choose to Book an appointment with a coach/trainer/expert. Remember: No person is an island—we can’t do everything alone. Investing in yourself and getting support from a professional has a huge impact on the degree of your success. You’ll have someone working with you to keep you accountable, help you reach your goals, and give you the encouragement you need to stick with taking care of yourself even when life gets hard.

The secret to success is ultimately to Create Healthy Routines and Plans. Thinking ahead is everything when it comes to being successful, and creating healthy habits or routines can make staying on track more effortless. Personalize your approach and find ways to create little habits that help you reach your goals. Everybody is different. Maybe you make it a habit to cook and prep your meals for the week on Sundays. Or you plan ahead for your workouts and pre-pack clothes in your work bag. Think right now: What are some simple life hacks you could use to cut time, thinking, and effort out of following through with your desired healthy habits? COMMENT and let me know below! Your ideas might be helpful for my crazy busy clients as well. Being organized and establishing healthy routines will allow you more time and space to breathe. Plus the less thinking you have to do, the easier it is to follow through. Set yourself up for success by planning ahead.

Just Say No. Take time to consider your top priorities and responsibilities. Remember that there’s nothing wrong in saying no. Yes, we all have commitments to others, but don’t forget about the commitments you make to yourself. When you say no to something you can say yes to yourself.

Use the Right Tools. Having the right tools can improve your level of productivity and maximize efficiency. There are so many great resources you can use to keep track of your agenda, manage your time, and increase your productivity. Better time management equals less stress and more success. Especially when it comes to healthy eating, services like Green Chef or Instacart can allow you to have quality ingredients on hand when you need them. The last thing you want is to be hungry with nothing to eat, because thats when we get tempted to make unhealthy choices. Having your fridge stocked with good good ready to go will allow you to choose well.

Green Chef is a CCOF-certified organic meal kit company that helps you cook clean, delicious dinners week after week with step-by-step recipes and pre-measured, premium ingredients that save you time. They are truly changing the meal kit subscription game with options that fit every lifestyle, including Keto + Paleo, Vegan, Vegetarian, Fast & Fit, Mediterranean, and Gluten-Free.

Personally because Im busy trying to run my business I love the Convenience & Ease of Green Chef. I can rely on delicious, chef-curated recipes featuring fresh produce and premium proteins without the stress of figuring out what’s for dinner at night. Green chef saves so much time by taking care of meal planning, grocery shopping, and most of the prep week after week. Green Chef makes cooking easy, with pre-made and pre-measured sauces, dressings, and spices so you can spend less time stressing and more time enjoying delicious, home-cooked meals. Best part is that they give you step-by-step instructions, chef tips, and photos to guide you as you follow recipes, so you really cant mess it up and dinner is always delicious!

Green Chef is perfect for my busy working parent friends and clients. I know a lot of my doctor friends who live off of snack bars out of convince and miss out on quality nutrition because they are so busy. Whether you’re looking for carb-conscious, gluten-free, plant-based, or calorie-conscious options, or you just want to have delicious, balanced dishes, Green Chef has flavorful recipes that are sure to satisfy. You also have the flexibility to switch options whenever you’re ready to try something new. If you are crazy busy and struggling to have the time to eat healthy, then you got to check out Green Chef.

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The key to maintaining the positive habits you have learned in this video is to get started! Start small and keep taking baby steps forward everyday. Staying committed to your decision to be healthy comes from your daily habits . The goal of this video was to introduce you or remind you of some health hacks that can be incorporated into your lifestyle. Id love to hear if this was helpful for you in the comments below. If you ever feel overwhelmed by all of the information shared in this video, pause and take a deep breath. You never have to take on more than you can hold and its all about finding healthy habit hacks that will work for you. Take it one step at a time. Progress is progress – no matter how small. Each day you practice new habits will make you healthier, happier, stronger, and more energetic. Remember,  personal wellbeing = professional wellbeing. The healthier you are in your life, the better you are and the more power you have to thrive in everything else. 

What tip resonated the most with you? Let me know in the comments below. Heres to staying healthy, happy, and fit so you can THRIVE in life!


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