How To Massage Your Abs. Abs Massage Magic with the Pilates Ball!

How To Massage Your Abs

Hello, my wonderful fitness fam! Today, I have an incredible secret to share with you—abs massage with a Pilates ball! This technique not only feels amazing but also provides a range of incredible benefits for your core. Get ready to take your abdominal health to the next level!

Why Abs Massage Matters

Massaging your abs with a Pilates ball can do wonders for your overall well-being. It helps release tension, improve circulation, enhance the mind-body connection in your core, relieve back pain, and even improve digestion. It’s an all-in-one self-care practice for your abdominal muscles!

To get started, you’ll need a Pilates ball. You can find one online or at your local fitness store. It’s a versatile tool that can help you target specific areas and provide gentle pressure to release tension in your abs. Get Your Pilates Ball here:

The Abs Massage Technique:

  1. Find a comfortable spot on the floor and lie on your stomach.
  2. Place the Pilates ball under your belly, just above your hips.
  3. Take a deep breath in and, as you exhale, allow your body to sink into the ball, feeling the gentle pressure on your abs.
  4. Slowly roll the ball up towards your ribcage, applying gentle pressure and focusing on any areas that feel tight or tender.
  5. Spend extra time on those tight spots, using your breath to release tension and invite relaxation.
  6. Continue rolling the ball up and down your core, exploring different angles and finding what feels best for you.

Listen to Your Body. As you perform this abs massage, it’s crucial to listen to your body and adjust the pressure accordingly. The goal is to find the sweet spot where you feel a deep release and tension melt away. This practice is all about self-care and giving your abs the tender loving care they deserve. Ready to try it with me? Press play on the video below

How To Massage Your Abs. Abs Massage Magic with the Pilates Ball Video

Incorporate Abs Massage into Your Routine.

Consider adding this Pilates ball abs massage into your routine after a challenging core workout or anytime you feel the need to unwind and rejuvenate. Trust me, you’ll be amazed at the difference it can make in your overall well-being and health!

Spread the Love: Share this video with a friend who needs to try this unique abs massage technique for better digestion, less back pain, and overall health! Let’s show our abs some serious appreciation and support each other in our wellness journeys.

The Abs massage with a Pilates ball is a game-changer for your core health. By incorporating this practice into your routine, you’ll experience deep relaxation, improved circulation, and enhanced mind-body connection. Treat your abs to some much-deserved TLC and unlock a new level of abdominal wellness!

Remember to check out my Instagram post for more details and the link to purchase your own Pilates ball. Together, let’s embrace the power of abs massage and support each other on our fitness journeys!

Stay strong, stay inspired, and keep shining brightly!

With love,


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2 Replies to “How To Massage Your Abs. Abs Massage Magic with the Pilates Ball!”

  1. Thank you for sharing. Can this still be done by someone that has Recti Diastasis? Are there any contraindications or is it safe for all?

  2. Thank you!!! I just tried this with my Pvolve ball (with some air taken out so it wasn’t hard) because I don’t have a Pilates ball and it was great! At first, like you said, it hurt but after the breathing and contracting the muscles as you guided us in the video, it was easier and more loosened up. I will definitely continue to do this. I found your videos on YouTube because I had (have) hamstring tendinitis and was looking for some help. You’re awesome and so positive! 🙂

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