Tag: tummy

How To Get A Summer Six Pack! Fast, Effective Ab Exercise Routine That Works.

“How Do I Get A Six Pack?” is one of the most common questions I am asked. As a Fitness Professional, my job is to help teach you what you need to learn to achieve your goals and feel good in your skin. With summer around the corner, I am here to help you feel confident and fit …

May 17, 2017
Ab training, Caroline Jordan

Beat the Belly Bloat Workout. Feel Better Fast With This Flat Abs Routine

Belly Bloat is the WORST! There is nothing more uncomfortable than not feeling good in your body. Use these exercise videos to beat Belly Bloat and help your stomach deflate. SUBSCRIBE to my channel for videos to help you FEEL GOOD LIKE Caroline Jordan Fitness on facebook and join the positive community to start living your healthiest, happiest …

April 6, 2017
Ab training, Caroline Jordan, YouTube

Stop Stomach Bloating. Beat Stomach Bloat and Keep Your Tummy Feeling Tight!

Do you have a bloated stomach? Stop stomach bloating with these helpful wellness tips to help keep your abs feeling tight! Having tummy trouble? Headed to an event this weekend and want your abs to look and feel their best? Stomach bloating is something I get asked a lot about as a health and wellness …

July 19, 2013
Caroline Jordan, Health, Nutrition, Nutrition Tips, Weight Loss, Wellness Articles, Workout Videos