Month: May 2013

Caroline’s Healthy Memorial Day: A Playlist, Workout, and Cookout Recipes!

Don’t you love a long weekend?! Kicking off summer makes a long weekend even sweeter. It’s a great time to relax by being active and spending time with those you love. Whether you are hiking or barbecuing on the beach, here are a few healthy living resources that will make your three-day weekend even more …

May 26, 2013
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Weight Loss, Wellness Articles, Workout Videos, ZICO coconut water

Lessons on Living A Positive Life from the most positive woman in Mine: My Mother

My mom will always be the #1 role model for me. At fifty-five she is healthy, happy, and full of vitality. Health, fitness, and living well have always been priorities for her and she has lived a balanced lifestyle. Her wellness goal has never been for  perfection but rather to celebrate being human. She finds …

May 12, 2013
Caroline Jordan, Health, Mindfulness, Positive Psychology, Reflections, Wellness Articles, Words That Matter

Celebrating Cinco De Mayo. Healthy workout, recipes, and menu choices.

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Holidays dont have to derail your health and fitness goals. It’s all about balance, remember the 80/20 Rule? You can indulge in your favorite festive foods as long as they fit into the bigger picture of your healthy lifestyle. For those of you wanting to celebrate today’s Mexican holiday, may I …

May 5, 2013
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Recipes, Weight Loss, Workout Videos, Workouts, ZICO coconut water