Category: Goals

New Years goals

5 New Years Resolution Goals That Will Change Your Year For the Better.

Are you looking to make 2019 your healthiest year yet? As a fitness and health coach, I am always working with clients on how to make them stronger physically and mentally year after year. During our coaching sessions, my clients create specific goals to commit to. From there I help them take action to make …

December 23, 2018
Caroline Jordan, Coaching, Goals, Health, healthy holidays, Wellness

What is My Theme for 2017? Healing.

I set an intention with a “theme” for each New Year. I believe this sets a strong, powerful intention for a desired outcome and allows you to stay consistent in taking action towards a year congruent with that theme. 2012 (“The Year of Self Love”) and 2013 (“The Year of Yes”) have been favorites so …

February 1, 2017
Caroline Jordan, Goals, Inspiring, Reflections, self care, Self-Love, Wellness

How to Keep a New Years Resolution

It’s January and New Years Resolution Season is in full force. Large bucket lists, extreme makeovers, ambitious personal or professional goals. Setting resolutions can be fun and inspiring, and I’m ALL for creating powerful visions that promote positive actions. Many people are with me, about 45 percent of Americans set goals starting in January. But for all …

January 12, 2014
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Goals, Health, Inspiring, Positive Psychology, Weight Loss, Wellness Articles

How to Get Rid Of Sore Muscles.

Got Sore Muscles? Read this article with helpful tips on how to relieve Sore Muscles and help your body recover. SUBSCRIBE to my channel for videos to help you FEEL GOOD LIKE Caroline Jordan Fitness on facebook and join the positive community to start living your healthiest, happiest life. Having Sore Muscles is common after …

August 18, 2013
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Goals, Health, Nutrition Tips, Wellness Articles, Workout Videos, Workouts

The Myths of Self Care. How to be nicer to yourself, starting now.

“When I loved myself enough, I began leaving whatever wasn’t healthy. This meant people, jobs, my own beliefs and habits – anything that kept me small.  My judgement called it disloyal. Now I see it as self-loving.” ~ Kim McMilllen Self care seems like a simple of concept, yet it really isn’t is it? I …

March 24, 2013
Caroline Jordan, Goals, Health, Reflections, Self-Love, Wellness Articles

What is YOUR vision for your life? How To Make A Vision Board that WORKS Magic!

As we approach the new year, there is one thing on everybody’s mind: GOALS. One thing I find extremely effective in setting goals that have lasting power is creating a vision board.  A vision board is a visual representation or collage of the things that you want to have, be, or do in your life. …

December 30, 2012
Caroline Jordan, Goals, Positive Psychology, Vision Board, Wellness Articles, Words That Matter