Category: Wellness Articles

heal injuries faster

How To Heal Injuries Faster. Top 4 Tips.

There are several all natural therapies that can help the body heal injuries faster and recover better. In this article I share my top 4 tips for healing pain and improving recovery. How To Heal Injuries Faster : Top 4 Tips For All Natural Recovery Video Hot-Cold Contrast Therapy Hot-cold contrast therapy has several physiological …

July 15, 2019
Caroline Jordan, Injury Recovery, Wellness Articles
workplace wellness

Easy Workplace Wellness Ideas You Can Try Now

Workplace wellness is growing rapidly, especially with more and more employees getting sick from stress. Doctors are calling stress the Black Plague of our century — infact, Harvard researchers estimate that 80% of doctor’s visits are related to stress. Getting stressed is not bad for you, but staying stressed is toxic. Stress ages your body …

May 25, 2019
Caroline Jordan, Wellness, Wellness Articles, Work
Virtual Fitness Training

What Is Virtual Fitness Training? Transform Your Fitness From The Comfort Of Your Home

What is virtual fitness training? With more and more people looking for a holistic approach to health care, the demand for health coaching is growing. An ever-increasing number of health coaches and personal trainers are able to provide a digital, virtual or telephonic fitness coaching service for their clients. This makes it easy to get fit, …

December 11, 2018
Caroline Jordan, client spotlight, Coaching, Wellness, Wellness Articles

Holiday Meditation For Stress Relief. The Power Pause Practice.

A holiday meditation to reset your body and mind for a stress free season. Hello and happy holidays! This time of year is filled with rich moments and experiences. Maybe you absolutely love this season and are in a place of peace. Or perhaps you really struggle this time of year.  Maybe you feel alone. Or …

November 21, 2018
Caroline Jordan, healthy holidays, Meditation, Mindfulness, Stress Relief, Wellness Articles

Mindfulness in the Office. Three Easy Ways To Practice Mindfulness At Work For Better Health.

Mindfulness has gone mainstream with companies as diverse as Google, Aetna, General Mills, and Target all having built extensive programs to foster mindful practices among their workers. But what exactly IS Mindfulness and does it really enhance employee productivity and health? Why are companies like Salesforce and Genentech bringing me into the workplace to lead …

June 17, 2018
Caroline Jordan, Corporate Health, Mindfulness, Wellness, Wellness Articles
Lets Talk About Hypermobility...

Stop Stretching?! Hypermobility and Finding Stability. Prevent Injury + Get Rid Of Pain!

Can too much stretching be bad for you? Learn the dangers of Hypermobility and prevent painful injuries with these helpful tips. Some people are bendy and some people are stiff. Being bendy can be a major concern (especially for women) and often hypermobile people aren’t aware of their own mobility. I want to provide some information …

April 14, 2018
Fitness, Fitness Tips, Wellness Articles
Guided Meditation

Easy Guided Meditation For Powerful Results. Calm Your Mind In Minutes

Have you thought about starting a meditation practice? I really started to explore meditation when I got my first serious injury. Isolated from activities I loved and unable to use my body as an stress relieving outlet, meditation offered a way to find peace during an uncomfortable time in my life. I started with simple …

April 2, 2018
Caroline Jordan, Positive Psychology, Postive Affirmations, Self-Love, Wellness, Wellness Articles

100 Ways To Be Your Happiest Healthiest Self in 2018

HELLO 2018! A brand new year is always exciting! We are filled with anticipation, we resolve to achieve our goals and make our dreams come true. Given that this is a fantastic time to reflect, visualize and plan, here are 100 ways to be the best possible version of yourself in 2018. YouTube channel STRONG …

January 1, 2018
Caroline Jordan, Health, Wellness, Wellness Articles
new years goals

How To Set New Years Goals You WILL Achieve

Want to be a New Year’s Resolution success? Here’s how to set New Year’s goals you will achieve and my #1 secret to make your positive results last.  Did you know only 8% of people that set a resolution actually achieve their New Year’s goals?  92% of people have good intentions but just abandon them after a …

December 31, 2017
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Health, Vision Board, Wellness, Wellness Articles