Category: Words That Matter

Things to Remember When Life Gets Really Hard.

Life feeling hard? Help yourself stay strong and positive with these uplifting words. Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching Program Hurt Foot Fitness e-book  Strong Body Program Hurt Foot Workout Videos Is your life feeling hard right now? Read these words and important reminders. I wrote this article to send strength and faith out into the universe. …

July 30, 2016
Caroline Jordan, Inspiring, love yourself, Mindfulness, Positive Psychology, Postive Affirmations, Reflections, Words That Matter

How To Stop Taking Things Personally.

Want to stop taking things personally? Read this helpful article on how to not take things personally to feel better in your relationships and life. How To Stop Taking Things Personally.  Have you ever found yourself ruminating and overanalyzing what someone said to you hours after a conversation? Or worried that when a friend doesn’t text you back …

April 3, 2016
Caroline Jordan, Health, Inspiring, love yourself, Mindfulness, Positive Psychology, self care, self esteem, Self-Love, Wellness, Words That Matter

Words to Live By: Making others Better.

Photo Credit Mark Kuroda I’ve got exciting news to share with you! I recently started working with Kristi Yamaguchi as an ambassador for her clothing line: Tsu.ya . Tsu.ya (pronounced tsoo-ya) is designed to feel good and deliver style that fits every part of an active lifestyle. Influenced by Kristi’s years as an international athlete traveling to fashion capitals …

November 15, 2015
Ambassador, Caroline Jordan, Fashion, Fitness, Inspiring, Words That Matter, Work

MOM upside down is WOW. TOO CUTE Mother’s Day Message

On Mother’s Day, you might give your mom a book or a thoughtful card. You might call to tell her you love her. You might take a moment to reminisce about your fondest memories together. But one of the greatest gifts you can give your mother is recognition. Whether it takes a few words or a few hours, acknowledging …

May 11, 2014
Caroline Jordan, Words That Matter

Life Lessons From 2013: “The Year Of Yes”

As a health and wellness coach, Im sure it comes as no surprise to you that New Years is one of my favorite holidays. Dreaming, defining, and discovering life goals is  a passion of mine and a new year brings so much positive potential it’s beyond exciting. I’m like a kid on Christmas come January …

December 29, 2013
Caroline Jordan, Inspiring, Positive Psychology, Postive Affirmations, Self-Love, Wellness Articles, Words That Matter

Don’t Let What Is Urgent Distract from What Is Important. Inspiring Life Reminder From My Heart To Yours.

Don’t Let What Is Urgent Distract from What Is Important. Inspiring Life Reminder From My Heart To Yours. “Don’t let what is urgent distract from whats important” How will you live with intention and purpose? Here’s what I’ve learned… It was the week of Thanksgiving and I was planning to go home to see my …

December 7, 2013
Caroline Jordan, Health, Inspiring, Mindfulness, Positive Psychology, Reflections, Wellness Articles, Words That Matter

How To Celebrate Every Day Like Its Your Birthday.

It always makes me sad to hear people dread their birthdays or lament the fact that they are another year older. I believe that birthdays are a chance to take a step back, reflect, and fully appreciate the miracle of being alive. At its very core, the birthday is a celebration of life itself. I …

September 29, 2013
Caroline Jordan, Mindfulness, Positive Psychology, Postive Affirmations, Self-Love, Wellness Articles, Words That Matter
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