Month: May 2014

Socialize SMART. Healthy Party and Alcohol Tips.

Wednesday night client drinks. Thursday night charity event. Friday night birthday party. Saturday brunch. Saturday evening dinner date. Sunday brunch round 2. Sunday night wine and dine with girlfriends. You love your social life but you hate what it’s doing to your health. Body and mind BURN out is next on the calendar if you …

May 25, 2014
Caroline Jordan, Fitness Tips, Health, Nutrition, Nutrition Tips, Weight Loss

STRONG BONES Playlist. National Osteoporosis Awareness Month.

According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, nearly half of all women and a quarter of all men over 50 will break a bone due to Osteoporosis. THAT NUMBER IS CRAZY, not to mention scary! May is National Osteoporosis Month and with around 52 million Americans suffering from the disease, its time we talk prevention and raise awareness around the …

May 18, 2014
Fitness, Health, Nutrition, Nutrition Tips, Playlists, Uncategorized, Wellness Articles

MOM upside down is WOW. TOO CUTE Mother’s Day Message

On Mother’s Day, you might give your mom a book or a thoughtful card. You might call to tell her you love her. You might take a moment to reminisce about your fondest memories together. But one of the greatest gifts you can give your mother is recognition. Whether it takes a few words or a few hours, acknowledging …

May 11, 2014
Caroline Jordan, Words That Matter

How to Be Fit Without Obsessing about it. Getting In Shape for Summer the Healthy Way

Every year around this time, gyms get the influx of new members wanting to get “beach-ready” bodies in time for summer. We go crazy trying to find the perfect “30 Days to Perfect Abs” workout and the right fad diet that promises to make us fit and fabulous by the time we need to get …

May 4, 2014
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Health, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Wellness Articles