Month: March 2015

Weekend Juice Tasting with Love Grace Foods and a Super Sweet Caroline Jordan Fitness Reader Discount!

I have a huge love and gratitude for the products that help me FEEL GOOD. I was lucky enough to enjoy a special sample of the hottest products on the healthy food market, Love Grace Foods Organic Juices, Smoothies, and Elixirs. This is a company on a  mission is to provide a higher level of vitality and life-force for …

March 22, 2015
Caroline Jordan, detox, Diet, Giveaway, Health, Nutrition, Nutrition Tips, Wellness

Activate Your Butt, Hip, and Core. Get your muscles WORKING for you!

Two of my “go-to” exercise programs that I use to activate my butt, hips, and core. Doing these moves before workouts helps me feel fabulous and make the most of every moment. SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube channel for videos to help you FEEL GOOD LIKE Caroline Jordan Fitness on facebook Friends who take my exercise classes in …

March 15, 2015
Caroline Jordan, love your body, love yourself, Uncategorized, Workout Videos, Workouts

How To Be Better In Bed (A Healthy Sleeping Guide)

Want to be better in bed? Read on to get healthy sleeping suggestions for success and how to get the Zzz’s you need to be your best. How To Be Better In Bed (A Healthy Sleeping Guide) Sleep is more than a place where dreams come true. It’s the foundation that helps you function at your …

March 1, 2015
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Health, self care, Weight Loss, Wellness, Workout Videos