Category: love your body

Sesamoid Injury

Helpful Tips For Healing Sesamoid Injuries. Here’s What Worked For Me.

No foot injury is a good injury, but a Sesamoid Injury can be one of the worst! It has one of the longest recovery timelines and often people never recover properly. Here’s my story on dealing with a painful Sesamoid Injury and helpful tips that worked for me. This is based off of my own personal experience and is …

April 28, 2017
Caroline Jordan, love your body, Running, YouTube
Meditation for Self Healing

10 Minute Self Healing Meditation for Relief from Injury, Illness, Pain, and Negative Thoughts

This 10 minute guided Self Healing meditation will support you in manifesting a full physical mind and body healing. Each time you listen, it will initiate a deep healing transformation of every cell in your body. Other benefits include instant relief from physical pain, healing long-term illnesses, finding deep levels of inner peace, an increased amount …

March 2, 2017
Caroline Jordan, love your body, love yourself, Meditation, Mindfulness, Positive Psychology, Postive Affirmations, self care, Stress Relief

How to Listen To Your Body

Struggling to find a balance with fitness? Here’s how to learn to listen to your body and enjoy exercise in a healthy way. Have you ever had one of those days where you were tired? You started a workout, but then felt heavy, exhausted, and needed to rest? I have those days. I get excited …

September 3, 2016
Body confidence, Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Health, love your body, love yourself, self care, Self-Love, Sports, Wellness, Workouts

How To Stay Positive With An Injury. Healing Thoughts

Cheer Yourself Up when injured! Here are some positive thoughts to help you heal from an injury. STAY IN SHAPE with an injury with my FULL Injury Recovery Coaching Program or virtual fitness coaching. I want to help you keep you fit, sane, and positive. My clients and members HEAL. Join us and be successful – …

July 23, 2016
Caroline Jordan, Health, Inspiring, love your body, love yourself, self care, Sports, Workouts

70 Actionable Ways to Love Yourself and Love Your Life.

“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” – Lucille Ball Want to fall in love? Start with yourself. Here are 70 actionable ways to love yourself and love your life. When Valentine’s Day approaches, we all start looking for signs of love …

February 14, 2016
Caroline Jordan, love your body, love yourself, Self-Love, Wellness

How to Have A Healthy Relationship to Holiday Fitness

Many people talk about “burning off” holiday calories or exercising to earn their holiday treats. Well let me tell you: this mindset sets you up for a negative relationship to fitness and a lifetime of fighting for a healthy weight. Anytime the motivation to move or eat well comes from a place of guilt, shame, or fear, …

December 13, 2015
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Health, healthy holidays, love your body, love yourself, Nutrition, self care, Wellness

From Body Loathing to Self-Loving. An inspiring story.

Photo Credit Mark Kuroda “Hi Caroline, My name is Megan, I am 19 years old and I am writing to you to say thank you. I have struggled with body image and exercise my entire life, when I was 12 years old I was extremely over weight, and by the time I was 14 I …

August 2, 2015
Caroline Jordan, Health, Inspiring, love your body, love yourself, Positive Psychology, self care, self esteem, Self-Love, Wellness

How to Be Fit Without Obsessing about it. Getting In Shape for Summer the Healthy Way.

Every year around this time, gyms get the influx of new members wanting to get “beach-ready” bodies in time for summer. We go crazy trying to find the perfect “30 Days to Perfect Abs” workout and the right fad diet that promises to make us fit and fabulous by the time we need to get …

June 7, 2015
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Health, love your body, love yourself

Activate Your Butt, Hip, and Core. Get your muscles WORKING for you!

Two of my “go-to” exercise programs that I use to activate my butt, hips, and core. Doing these moves before workouts helps me feel fabulous and make the most of every moment. SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube channel for videos to help you FEEL GOOD LIKE Caroline Jordan Fitness on facebook Friends who take my exercise classes in …

March 15, 2015
Caroline Jordan, love your body, love yourself, Uncategorized, Workout Videos, Workouts

Don’t Seek Love, Live in Love. 70 ways to Fall in Love with your Life!

When Valentine’s Day approaches, we all start looking for signs of love outside of ourselves—chocolate, cards, phone calls, flowers, gifts or other sweet sentiments.  Its all to easy to connect our happiness to these external factors and use these things to define the level of love in our lives. Yet it’s important to remember that happiness …

February 15, 2015
Caroline Jordan, Health, Inspiring, love your body, love yourself, Positive Psychology, self care, Self-Love, Wellness
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