How To Stay Positive With An Injury. Healing Thoughts
Cheer Yourself Up when injured! Here are some positive thoughts to help you heal from an injury.

STAY IN SHAPE with an injury with my FULL Injury Recovery Coaching Program or virtual fitness coaching. I want to help you keep you fit, sane, and positive. My clients and members HEAL. Join us and be successful – links below 🙂
Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching Program
Hip and Hamstring healing e-book
“Aloha from Maui Caroline! I just want to thank you so much for your positive attitude. You have helped me get through such a rough time. Since Sept. my Father was in and out of hospital sick and passed away March 28th. Meanwhile I had broke my foot and had surgery in Jan. I was on crutches for 2 months and just got out of my boot this past Monday. Your Hurt Foot Fitness Program got me through it and helped me stay in great shape. I’m an avid runner and spinner, your program kept me from going crazy. I start PT on Monday and feel ready thanks to your workouts! Thanks again for ALL your support, coaching, and positiveness from the bottom of my heart.” – Lauren, Maui, Hawaii
“Hi Caroline, My name is Bob Mayer, and I live in northern Wisconsin. I needed to go out of my way to thank you for providing the Hurt Foot Fitness Program. I’m a triathlete, half-marathon runner, cross country skier, basketball player, and (aspiring) weightlifter. So, having a broken foot really upends my lifestyle. I’m appreciative for your coaching and all of the work you put behind helping people like me that have a frustrating injury. My recovery journey was so much more fun and uplifting thanks to your program. I’m stronger because of it. Keep up the good work. Best, Bob” – Bob Mayer, Wisconsin
“Hi, Caroline! I just wanted to say thank you, really! I sprained my ankle for the first time in life, 5 months ago and it was horrible! It happened after training and I was so depressed about it and felt so helpless not able to move for almost 2 weeks and then having pain and not training at all. I was so happy to find your Hurt Foot Fitness Program and the content has been so helpful ! Thank you for your coaching, positive energy, and help in such hard time. You rock! Keep on your great work! Looking forward to more videos in the program from you! Love and gratitude, Trisha” Trisha, Denmark
“Caroline, I just want to thank you SO much not only for your Hurt Foot Fitness Program, but for your AWESOME attitude and positive energy!! I have really been lifted up by your validation and empowering dialogue. Seriously, it is a hard thing to recover from an injury and have my usual cardio addiction at a standstill. Your program was my turning point from feeling completely depressed and victimized by my injury–to feeling optimistic and empowered that there IS something I can do to stay fit and positive. Your quote, “The only disability is a bad attitude” is like my new life motto!! I can’t tell you how much I needed that! And I can tell I’m healing faster with working out too. Thank you so much for your amazing work!! It’s making a huge difference for me!! ” Elsie Madison, California

Injury. Sh**t happens.
I’ve dealt with my fair share of injuries. Each one has brought it’s own lessons and opportunities to strengthen my internal fitness. Injuries are part of being human and part of the experience of having a body. Sometimes you get sick, tired, hurt, or face physical challenges that are not in your control. It’s life and it happens. But it doesn’t make getting hurt any easier. If you are working through an injury right now, I am here to offer you some comfort and support.
Wellness is so much more than physical. It’s mental, it’s spiritual, it’s taking care of yourself as a whole. Keeping your mind + spirit in good shape will help you recover from your injury and return to good health. And I am here to help you take care of yourself inside and out.
Here are some healing thoughts to help you recover from injury and stay positive through the process.
How To Stay Positive When Recovering From An Injury.
Acknowledge and radically accept the injury. It is not what you wanted. It is not what you asked for. It sucks but here it is and you must be the one to prioritize and deal with it. Resistance in the healing process is not good. Acceptance helps release resistance. Accept that there are some things you cannot control about the healing process, like how long it may take. But also recognize that there are many things you can control, like how you react to it (moment by moment), how consistent you are with your rehab and treatment, the energy of people you keep around you while you are healing (this is a big one, keep the Negative Nancy’s away!), the alternative activities you do with your time while you are healing, and so on.
Be non-judgmental but honest with yourself about how it got to this point. Ask yourself, “What was my body trying to tell me?” and “Did I listen to its first signals? Or wait until it got to the point where the only way my body could get my attention was to take me out of the game for a bit?” This will help you learn how to better listen to your body. It will help you understand your body’s signals and messages to possibly prevent an injury from occurring again. However, sometimes sh*t happens and you break your foot without notice. Acknowledge that too and move on.
Affirm Your Body’s Ability to Recover and Empower Your Mind To Help you Heal. If you believe your body isn’t healing and talk about how you are not getting better, you are affirming the negative and NOT helping the recovery process. You must empower your mind to help heal your body. It’s kind of like preparing to run a race or deliver an important presentation at work. Close your eyes, visualize the outcome you want, and affirm to yourself that your body WILL heal and WILL recover back to full health. Empower your mind to think positively about recovery and help your body heal.
You are going to have good days and you are going to have bad days. And it’s important to know: that’s OK. Throughout the recovery process you will have days where it’s easy to deal and manage healing. You may also have days where you feel frustrated, upset, impatient, angry, all sorts of emotions. It’s important to know that its totally normal to feel those feelings and to have positive strategies on hand for coping with them when they happen. Don’t isolate yourself or hurt yourself doing something self-destructive (like using drugs/alcohol/food to numb emotions or pushing your injury too far in a workout session that you re-hurt yourself.). Reach out to friends, family, loved ones. Lean on the other members of the Hurt Foot Fitness Program who GET it. Vent in the private facebook group. Do something to help release the feelings and restore your spirit in a healthy way. Which leads me to my next suggestion…
Cheer Yourself UP. Life is short. Injured or not, there is SO much to enjoy about it. Count your blessings instead of adding up your troubles. Choose to see the good in everything and make the best of the situation. Put on your favorite music. Sing out loud. Shake your booty. Watch funny movies. Surround yourself with friends. Plan your next vacation. Write thank you notes to those who made a difference in your life. Write a note of encouragement to yourself. Find ways to cheer yourself up, I give you dozens of resources in the Hurt Foot Fitness Program. Your body will feel the positive energy and it will make you feel better.
Do what you CAN do. Don’t stew over what you can’t do. Do what you CAN do. My Hurt Foot Fitness Program provides a constantly growing hub of SAFE, effective workouts you can do while healing to stay fit. Be the best patient there ever was, the kind doctors love to work with. Work on the physical therapy exercises prescribed to you through your doctor. Do all your “homework” exercises and follow the doctors orders. You’ll heal faster and it will make you feel better to be proactive and positive about the recovery process.
Visualize it. Affirm it. Talk about it. Yes, realistically you are injured but that is no excuse to rehash the past every day with every ache or pain, or with every person that asks how you are doing. If some asks how you are doing say to them “Thanks for asking and I’m healing up.” or “On my way to coming back stronger and better.” I am a big believer in positive affirmations (in fact, there’s a whole chapter in my book on them!). I recommend repeating one or two healing affirmations throughout the day. This will keep your mind in good shape. My favorite healing affirmations are “My body now restores itself to its natural state of perfect health” and “Every day in every way I am getting healthier and stronger”. We practice affirmations as part of the Hurt Foot Fitness Program.
Be kind to yourself. The healing process is all about the art of allowing. Allowing releases resistance and therefore releases tension in the body that is needed for healing, as opposed to the resistance creating tension that inhibits healing. Being angry with our body is like being angry at a kid for having broken leg. What is done is done and now what is needed is support and kindness towards yourself. Also, allow others to take care of you and trust their care. This can be difficult for Type-A-control-freak-independent types (again I say this in the most endearing sense, you all know I love you) but maybe that is a part of the lesson. Many high achieving individuals struggle with asking or receiving help. Be kind to yourself and allow others to help support your needs. This in itself can be very empowering because we are all in this together. There is no person on earth that does not need someone for something in their life, we are all interdependent.

Accept this moment and this injury in this time and space. Try to see your injury isolated to this time and space in your life. Just because something is happening now does not mean it will happen again, especially if we learn from it. What you resist only stays with you longer and when you fight something, you only make it stronger. Flow with reality, not against it. Choose to accept what is, be positive and proactive, let go of the need to control every little detail, and embrace peace in the process. Remember: what you resist persists, what you embrace dissolves. Practice letting go and trusting your body. Which leads me to my last suggestion…
Trust yourself and trust your body. Time to heal allows you to focus on yourself. Sometimes we think that because we train and workout we are paying attention to ourselves when really we may be distracting from life or other issues. An injury allows you to learn more about you. It provides and opportunity to learn how to be more self compassionate. It also provides time to reflect on things that may need to change in your life. Healing through an injury allows you to make space in your life FOR YOU. Guess what, your life is not going anywhere and if you use this time to take care of yourself and heal correctly you’ll probably come back stronger, wiser, and better than before. I’ve seen it happen time and time again. However, it is up to you to prioritize yourself and take good care of YOU during this time. Investing in yourself with coaching and a program like the Hurt Foot Fitness Program will help you overcome the inevitable injury ups and downs with strength.
While I could go on and on about coping with various psychological and emotional aspects of an injury, I truly believe that each individual faces their own unique healing process. If you need additional support staying fit and positive while you heal, I’d love to have you as vauled member of the Hurt Foot Fitness Program. Join the group of people who are committed to staying strong in the face of physical challenge. ENROLL here.
I hope this offers you some comfort and support through this difficult time. It is important that you recognize that you can choose how you react to your situation. Remember, “If you change the way you see things, the things you see change.” Injury and pain in life are opportunities to grow and sometimes change directions in life. Be open to what this time in your life is reflecting back to you. Take it one day, one breath at a time.
Injury or not, everyday life gives us so much to be grateful for. Keep finding the blessings and stay positive my friends.
Sending good vibes and healing energy to you,
For more uplifting support Check out my book, Balanced Body Breakthrough. It will help you keep your mind, body, and spirit in great shape !!
My mission is to help you develop a positive relationship to self and exercise that adds to the quality of your life. Check out my list of services, stay connected about upcoming events by subscribing to my email newsletter, or contact me at [email protected] to discuss ways we can work together and live well.
Other things to Check Out:
Popsugar Fitness : How Fitness Made Moving to a New City (Alone) Way Less Terrifying
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Non-Weight Bearing Workout. Total Body Exercise Routine Safe For Recovering From Injury.
Caroline, I absolutely LOVE this article. Especially the part about affirmations! Very relaxing and centering! Wow, I can’t believe how much better I feel.
Thank you Elaine <3
Thank you so much for this article and sharing your experience. It was exactly what I needed to hear. Since falling off a step and breaking my talus bone last week, I have heaped every imaginable negative thought upon myself. Along with diet, healthy supplements, and appropriate exercise, I now know I also need a positive attitude to promote healing. Thank you.
The answer is not simple, since we are each under different levels of stress and we all have different financial conditions. It’s also very complex since the anxiety associated with financial pressure is very real and emotionally distressing – and we all respond differently to that pressure. Finally, the answer can also be difficult since it requires some work, honest introspection, and sacrifice. But for most people, it’s worth the effort.
Thank you so much for this I’m going through HARD TIME dealing with my injury but i feel more positive now