Tag: Fearless Fitness Challenge 2010

Fearless Fitness Weekly Update 12/19: TRAVEL fitness tips!

1.) Caroline Jordan Fitness Schedule and Special Events December 19th-25th: Monday 12/20: 12:05pm Cycle Express San Francisco Bay Club, 5:30pm Competition Core and 6pm Chisel’d EQUINOX Tuesday 12/21: 12:30pm Cycling EQUINOX, 5pm Ball, 5:30pm BOSU, 6 pm Spin Circuit, and 7pm Sports Stretch Club One Citigroup Wednesday 12/22: 5:30pm Competition Core and 6pm Chisel’d EQUINOX.  …

December 19, 2010
Fitness Tips, Wellness Articles

Fearless Fitness Weekly Update 12/12: Tis the Season for STRESS REDUCTION. Beat stress and breathe easy with these tips!

ONLY 2 WEEKS and 18 Caroline Workouts left in 2010!! MERRY FITNESS EVERYONE! 1.) Caroline Jordan Fitness Schedule and Special Events December 12th-18th: Monday 12/13: 12:05pm Cycle Express San Francisco Bay Club, 5:30pm Competition Core and 6pm Chisel’d EQUINOX Tuesday 12/14: 12:30pm Cycling EQUINOX, 5pm Ball, 5:30pm BOSU, 6 pm Spin Circuit, and 7pm Sports …

December 11, 2010
Fitness, Uncategorized, Wellness Articles

Fearless Fitness Update 12/5: “I want to PUMP you UP” – STRENGTH TRAINING is IMPORTANT!

1.) Caroline Jordan Fitness Schedule and Special Events December 5th-11th: Sunday 12/5: 9:30am Yoga Flow EQUINOX Monday 12/6: 12:05pm Cycle Express San Francisco Bay Club, 5:30pm Competition Core and 6pm Chisel’d EQUINOX Tuesday 12/7: 12:30pm Cycling EQUINOX, 5pm Ball, 5:30pm BOSU, 6 pm Spin Circuit, and 7pm Sports Stretch Club One Citigroup Wednesday 12/8: 5:30pm …

December 4, 2010
Fitness, Fitness Tips, Wellness Articles, Workouts

Trick or Treat?! Importance of Fat in your Diet!

Trick Or Treat?! The Importance Of Fat In a Healthy Diet Think fat is a villain? Think again! A few years ago the term “perfect fats” would have been considered an oxymoron. But today it’s clear that eating the right kind of fat is not only good for you… but essential to your health.  In …

October 31, 2010
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Nutrition, Nutrition Tips, Weight Loss, Wellness Articles


   Pilates 101 Burnt-out from years of dance I was hesitant to jump on the pilates bandwagon. It looked too expensive, slow, and much like the endless exercises from dance rehearsals. Then I started to get curious…. maybe there were a few benefits to discover. After all, you can’t judge a book by its cover! …

October 16, 2010
Fitness, Lululemon, Workouts

Fearless Fitness Update 10/3: Ready, Set, STRETCH!

1.) Caroline Jordan Fitness Schedule and Special Events October 3- 9. Monday 10/4: 12:05pm Cycle Express San Francisco Bay Club, 5:30pm Competition Core and 6pm Chisel’d EQUINOX Tuesday 10/5: 12:30pm Cycling EQUINOX, 5pm Ball, 5:30pm BOSU, 6 pm Spin Circuit, and 7pm Yoga Flow Club One Citigroup Wednesday 10/6: 5:30pm Competition Core and 6pm Chisel’d …

October 3, 2010
Fitness, Lululemon, Workouts

Fearless Fitness Weekly Update 9/19: Plyo what?!

1.) Caroline Jordan Fitness Schedule and Special Events September 19-25: Monday 9/20: 12:05pm Cycle Express San Francisco Bay Club, 5:30pm Competition Core and 6pm Chisel’d EQUINOX Tuesday 9/21: 12:30pm Cycling EQUINOX, 5pm Ball, 5:30pm BOSU, 6 pm Spin Circuit, and 7pm Yoga Flow Club One Citigroup Wednesday 9/22: 12:05pm Cycle Express San Francisco Bay Club, …

September 19, 2010
Fitness, Lululemon, Workouts


  Do You BOSU? I LOVE BOSU fitness products and teach with them on a weekly basis. The “half-shaped ball” has been around for a while…. . yet many fitness fanatics are confused by this training tool. “Is it a bouncy step or just another way to do a fancy pushup?” “Are there limits to …

August 29, 2010
Fitness, Lululemon

Rise and Shine…. it’s Breakfast Time!

Good morning Sunshine… its BREAKFAST Time! Whats one of the Healthy Habits I live by? Always eat BREAKFAST and make it HEALTHY! Here are a few Breakfast Benefits for you: 1 A better attention span, focus and better productivity at work, school or at home. More strength and endurance. Studies on those who work at …

August 8, 2010
Caroline Jordan, Health, Nutrition, Nutrition Tips, Recipes, Weight Loss