Month: November 2014

Positively Inspiring Workout Tanks. A Happy Holiday Gift From Caroline Jordan Fitness

  I believe positive thoughts equal positive results and that when your mind is in a good place your life will follow suit. The mind is a funny thing, and just like any muscle needs regular exercise to stay positive. The stress of modern living makes it even more challenging to remain mentally grounded, strong, and …

November 29, 2014
Caroline Jordan, Fashion, Fitness, Positive Psychology, Postive Affirmations

Healthy, Happy, Thanksgiving. Workouts and Tips for a Healthy Holiday

“As we express our gratitude,  we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” John Fitzgerald Kennedy Thanksgiving happens to be one of my favorite holidays of the year because I LOVE giving thanks. There is no better reason to express gratitude for those that you love and take time …

November 23, 2014
Caroline Jordan, Diet, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Health, healthy holidays, Nutrition, Nutrition Tips, Weight Loss, Wellness, Workout Videos

Great Reasons To Spend More Time Alone. Health Benefits of Solitude

Carving out a little solitude can make a world of difference. Here are some great reasons to spend more time alone. Go ahead—give yourself a break. Photo credit Kuroda Studios I consider myself a pretty social person, but I also absolutely need my “caroline” time – those periodic moments away from the world. After a business …

November 16, 2014
Caroline Jordan, Health, healthy holidays, Inspiring, love yourself, Reflections, self care, self esteem, Self-Love, Stress Relief, Uncategorized, Wellness, Wellness Articles

Fresh, Healthy, and Flavorful Recipes from Costa Rica

I couldnt be more excited to be traveling to Costa Rica in January to host an uplifting, inspiring, and life changing wellness retreat.  The experience we have planned will be a week full of fitness, yoga, dance, and adventure opportunities combined with community building, coaching, reflection all in the breathtaking Chirriposa Mountain and Beach resort …

November 9, 2014
Caroline Jordan, Diet, Health, Nutrition, Nutrition Tips, Recipes, Special Events, Weight Loss, Wellness Articles

The Long Lasting Benefits of My Wellness Retreat in Costa Rica

In today’s non-stop world, the daily stresses of life can build quickly. Always reachable on our mobile devices, many of us have endless ‘to-do’ lists and are constantly racing to “keep up”. By running from errand to errand, always plugged in to technology, we rarely give our bodies and minds the break needed to recuperate or live fully. Then …

November 2, 2014
Caroline Jordan, detox, Diet, Fitness, Health, healthy holidays, Inspiring, love your body, self care, Self-Love, Stress Relief, Weight Loss, Workouts