Month: March 2013

The Myths of Self Care. How to be nicer to yourself, starting now.

“When I loved myself enough, I began leaving whatever wasn’t healthy. This meant people, jobs, my own beliefs and habits – anything that kept me small.  My judgement called it disloyal. Now I see it as self-loving.” ~ Kim McMilllen Self care seems like a simple of concept, yet it really isn’t is it? I …

March 24, 2013
Caroline Jordan, Goals, Health, Reflections, Self-Love, Wellness Articles

Eat Your Greens. Simple ways to get more GREEN in your diet.

The more we know about good nutrition and how important it is to eat fresh veggies, the more attention we give to leafy greens. In fact, you can’t find a list of the “most powerful foods” that doesn’t mention kale, spinach or collards. That’s because dark leafy greens contain such an abundant source of nutrients …

March 17, 2013
Caroline Jordan, Health, Nutrition, Nutrition Tips, Recipes, Weight Loss, Wellness Articles

Health is not a Number: Why The Scale Lies.

Worried about the number below your feet? Here’s why the Scale lies and what you need to know to measure your health. Our world is one that is obsessed with numbers. The dollar amount thats in the bank account, the number of followers you have on facebook, the amount of designer jeans in your closet, …

March 10, 2013
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Health, Nutrition, Nutrition Tips, Weight Loss, Wellness Articles

Spreading My Wings. Getting Over My Fears and FLYING.

My career in the fitness industry began when I was 14 years old. My dream was to become a fitness superstar and by 26 I had a career that was blessed and full. But then things started to shift. Working exclusively in fitness didn’t seem to fit. I started to change and my business followed …

March 3, 2013
Caroline Jordan, Health, Mindfulness, Positive Psychology, Reflections, Vision Board, Words That Matter