Category: Meditation

Meditation For Pain Relief

Meditation for Physical Pain Relief. Calm Stress, Negativity, Chronic Pain, Injury, Illness

This 15 minute guided meditation for pain relief will support you in manifesting a full physical mind and body healing. Each time you listen, it will initiate a deep healing transformation of every cell in your body. Other benefits include instant relief from physical pain, healing long-term illnesses, finding deep levels of inner peace, an …

December 23, 2019
Caroline Jordan, Healing, Injury Recovery, Meditation, Mindfulness
Meditation For Healing Injury

Meditation for Healing Injury – 10 Minute Guided Meditation

A guided meditation for healing injury to help you feel better and recover faster. Press play and lets get meditated! Check out the “Get Meditated” Gear here – wear your intention to feel better.  Being injured is no fun! Often it means that athletes and exercisers are in pain and they are not able to …

October 7, 2019
Caroline Jordan, Meditation, YouTube
pain meditation

Pain Meditation. Guided Meditation For Pain Relief, Injury, Illness, Negative Thoughts.

Meditation and Mindfulness can help with pain relief. Ease your body with this guided pain meditation for inner and outer health. Whether you are dealing with an acute injury or chronic pain, Mindfulness and Meditation can help ease your symptoms. Don’t believe me?! Its TRUE. Mindfulness meditation has been shown in clinical trials to reduce …

July 22, 2019
Caroline Jordan, Healing, Meditation, Mindfulness, YouTube

Healing Meditation For Pain Relief and Peace Live 10 Minute Guided Practice. Calm Your Body And Spirit In 10 Minutes

Press play on this 10 minute guided healing meditation for pain relief and peace. Deep breaths to calm your body, mind, and spirit. Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching Program Hurt Foot Fitness e-book  Strong Body Program Hip and Hamstring healing e-book Full length, downloadable workout videos here.  You can also contact me for virtual coaching and …

April 8, 2019
Caroline Jordan, Healing, Meditation, Mindfulness

Holiday Meditation For Stress Relief. The Power Pause Practice.

A holiday meditation to reset your body and mind for a stress free season. Hello and happy holidays! This time of year is filled with rich moments and experiences. Maybe you absolutely love this season and are in a place of peace. Or perhaps you really struggle this time of year.  Maybe you feel alone. Or …

November 21, 2018
Caroline Jordan, healthy holidays, Meditation, Mindfulness, Stress Relief, Wellness Articles

Something To Remember When You Feel Hurt, Sad, Lost, or Alone.

Here are some things to keep in mind when you feel hurt, sad, lost, or alone. Read this post and give yourself this important reminder. Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching Program Hurt Foot Fitness e-book  Strong Body Program Recently I received this thoughtful comment on a Caroline Jordan Fitness self healing meditation : “Hello friends! I just wanted to …

July 13, 2017
Caroline Jordan, Healing, Meditation, Mindfulness
Meditation for Self Healing

10 Minute Self Healing Meditation for Relief from Injury, Illness, Pain, and Negative Thoughts

This 10 minute guided Self Healing meditation will support you in manifesting a full physical mind and body healing. Each time you listen, it will initiate a deep healing transformation of every cell in your body. Other benefits include instant relief from physical pain, healing long-term illnesses, finding deep levels of inner peace, an increased amount …

March 2, 2017
Caroline Jordan, love your body, love yourself, Meditation, Mindfulness, Positive Psychology, Postive Affirmations, self care, Stress Relief