Month: February 2014

Caroline’s Favorite Effective Ab Exercises.

I often get questions about the most effective exercises for the abs. It seems everyone is looking for quality ways to tone their tummy in less time. There are countless exercises that target the abs, including fitness DVDs (Does “Six Pack Solution” sound familiar?) and even pricey machines that infomercials swear can help you. But …

February 23, 2014
Ab training, Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Uncategorized, Weight Loss, Workout Videos, Workouts

Don’t Seek Love, Live in Love. 70 ways to Fall in Love with your Life!

Don’t Seek Love, Live in Love When Valentine’s Day approaches, we all start looking for signs of love outside of ourselves—chocolate, cards, phone calls, flowers, gifts or other sweet sentiments.  Its all to easy to connect our happiness to these external factors and use these things to define the level of love in our lives. Yet …

February 9, 2014
Caroline Jordan, healthy holidays, Positive Psychology, Postive Affirmations, Reflections, Self-Love

Winning Superbowl Healthy Recipes and Workout videos!

Sharing time with people you enjoy, delicious food, and unforgettable commercials – the SUPERBOWL is always a good time. But unfortunately, along with the fun of the party comes lots of calories and sitting (not really a winning combination).  According to an article in the USA Today, Super Bowl parties are second to Thanksgiving when it …

February 2, 2014
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, healthy holidays, Nutrition, Recipes, Weight Loss