Tag: inspiring

The #1 Secret to New Year’s Resolution Success

Want to be a New Year’s Resolution success? Read on for my top coaching steps on how to be a New Year’s Resolution success and the #1 secret to make your positive resolution results last.  Did you know only 8% of people that set a resolution actually achieve their goals?  92% of people have good intentions but …

December 29, 2016
Caroline Jordan, Health, healthy holidays, Vision Board, Wellness Articles

How To Stay Positive With An Injury. Healing Thoughts

Cheer Yourself Up when injured! Here are some positive thoughts to help you heal from an injury. STAY IN SHAPE with an injury with my FULL Injury Recovery Coaching Program or virtual fitness coaching. I want to help you keep you fit, sane, and positive. My clients and members HEAL. Join us and be successful – …

July 23, 2016
Caroline Jordan, Health, Inspiring, love your body, love yourself, self care, Sports, Workouts

How to Have A Healthy Relationship to Holiday Fitness

Many people talk about “burning off” holiday calories or exercising to earn their holiday treats. Well let me tell you: this mindset sets you up for a negative relationship to fitness and a lifetime of fighting for a healthy weight. Anytime the motivation to move or eat well comes from a place of guilt, shame, or fear, …

December 13, 2015
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Health, healthy holidays, love your body, love yourself, Nutrition, self care, Wellness

Words to Live By: Making others Better.

Photo Credit Mark Kuroda I’ve got exciting news to share with you! I recently started working with Kristi Yamaguchi as an ambassador for her clothing line: Tsu.ya . Tsu.ya (pronounced tsoo-ya) is designed to feel good and deliver style that fits every part of an active lifestyle. Influenced by Kristi’s years as an international athlete traveling to fashion capitals …

November 15, 2015
Ambassador, Caroline Jordan, Fashion, Fitness, Inspiring, Words That Matter, Work

Exercise Your Spiritual Side for a More Fulfilling Life

Photo Credit Mark Kuroda “Autumn, the year’s last, loveliest smile.” (William Cullen Bryant) Each season brings fresh starts and new inspiration. I love the energy of fall, that magical feeling of transition between summer and winter. Autumn brings sweater weather, pumpkin everything, and even more opportunities to spend quality time cozying up with those you love. …

November 1, 2015
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Inspiring, Mindfulness, Wellness

How I Went From Burnout To Balance. Secrets To Success In Work, Wellness, and Life.

How I beat Burnout to find a healthy life balance. My secrets to success in work, wellness, and life. Introduction Chapter from Balanced Body Breakthrough : The Modern Hero’s Journey—from Burnout to Balance “Have you ever been so chronically tired that you just can’t seem to think straight? Your emotions are all over the map, and you get easily upset? …

October 4, 2015
Caroline Jordan, Fitness Tips, Wellness

From Body Loathing to Self-Loving. An inspiring story.

Photo Credit Mark Kuroda “Hi Caroline, My name is Megan, I am 19 years old and I am writing to you to say thank you. I have struggled with body image and exercise my entire life, when I was 12 years old I was extremely over weight, and by the time I was 14 I …

August 2, 2015
Caroline Jordan, Health, Inspiring, love your body, love yourself, Positive Psychology, self care, self esteem, Self-Love, Wellness

Make a Totally Awesome Difference: Help me Fundraise and be Crowned 80’s Prom Queen!

2013, the “Year of Yes”, was when I really started getting involved fundraising for charity. Raise awareness of a worthy cause? YES. Join like minded people in supporting a worthy cause? YES Host fun social events that benefit a worthy cause? YES. Take your free time and make a difference? YES. It was a year that …

July 10, 2015
Caroline Jordan, San Francisco, Special Events