Tag: hurt

Ballet Pilates

Ballet Pilates: Dancer’s Workout Video For Total Body Fitness

Sculpt long, lean dancer muscles with Ballet Pilates! This workout video will train you like a Ballet Dancer for total body fitness. Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching Program Hurt Foot Fitness e-book  Strong Body Program Hip and Hamstring healing e-book Full length, downloadable workout videos here.  You can also contact me for virtual coaching and then …

August 26, 2019
Caroline Jordan, Workout Videos, Workouts, YouTube

No Impact Workout. 35 Minute Floor Fitness Routine.

No impact workouts are a great way to get fit without placing any pressure on your joints. If you are recovering from an injury, dealing with limited mobility, or just need a good cross training activity, this no impact floor  fitness routine is the perfect way to get moving! Youtube subscriber reviews of my No …

December 30, 2018
Caroline Jordan, Workout Videos, Workouts, YouTube
hurt foot floor workout

Hurt Foot Floor Workout. A Flowing, Dance Inspired No Impact, Total Body Fitness Video!

Hurt Foot Floor Workout, for when you need a no-impact, total body fitness routine that is safe to do with a foot or ankle injury. For the FULL Hurt Foot Floor workouts, enroll in my HURT FOOT Coaching PROGRAM where you will get LIFETIME access to a growing online hub of new workouts, exercises, and …

September 15, 2018
Caroline Jordan, Hurt Foot, Injury Recovery

Coming Back From Injury Workout Routine. Fitness Video To Help You Return To Training Strong.

Coming back after an accident, hurt foot, or sports injury? It’s time to start moving again. Use this fitness video to help you return to training strong. Are you ready to help yourself in the healing journey? Join my Hurt Foot Fitness or Strong Body Program today and let’s get you making PROGRESS for a …

August 10, 2018
Caroline Jordan, Injury Recovery, Workout Videos, Workouts, YouTube
best chair cardio

The BEST Chair Cardio Workout Online is HERE!! DOWNLOADABLE Fitness Video!!

The best Chair Cardio workout online. A 30 minute seated exercise routine for your body and mind. Stay fit with an injury or disability with this downloadable fitness video! DOWNLOAD HERE  You can get this video AND MORE for FREE when you join my FULL Hurt Foot Fitness coaching PROGRAM. Enroll and join us.  The BEST …

July 6, 2018
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Foot Help, Workout Videos, Workouts, YouTube

Aqua Jogging = My New Favorite Workout Routine!

Aqua Jogging is a fitness trend you want to try. Let me show you how to make this flotation workout your new favorite. Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching Program Hurt Foot Fitness e-book  Strong Body Program Hurt Foot Workout Videos One of the best parts of my comprehensive Hurt Foot Fitness course is that I get …

May 8, 2018
Caroline Jordan, Injury Recovery, Workout Videos, Workouts
injury weight gain

“Will I Gain Weight When Injured?” Dealing With Food & Weight Fears In Injury Recovery.

Will I Gain Weight When Injured?” Food and Weight Fears that HOLD YOU BACK from healing. DONT gain weight with an injury! Become a member of my exclusive Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching Program and get fit TODAY. Enroll here. As an injury recovery coach, this is where I see many of my clients struggling the …

March 3, 2018
Caroline Jordan, Foot Help, Healing, Injury Recovery, YouTube
Chair Cardio

25 Minute Challenging Chair Cardio Workout. Stay Fit With Injury or Disability.

Stay fit with an injury or disability with this challenging Chair Cardio workout that moves at a fast pace. In this 25 minute seated exercise routine, you will work your heart, muscles, and mind. SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel FULL Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching Course for TOTAL healing! Hurt Foot Fitness e-book 6-Weeks to STRONG BODY program Hi …

October 24, 2017
Caroline Jordan, Workout Videos, Workouts, YouTube