Month: July 2014

How to Warm Up for A Run, or Bike, Or Gym Workout.

Once we get revved up to go workout it’s tempting to take off at top speed. But going straight into a sweat session —without a proper warmup—is a recipe for disaster, and injury. If you start out too fast, you run the risk of pulling a muscle, tweaking a tendon, bone, or joint, or getting into …

July 26, 2014
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Health, Running, Uncategorized, Workout Videos, Workouts

Put an End to Stress Eating.

It’s the middle of the afternoon. You’ve got 42 unread messages, a demanding to-do list, an important networking happy hour after work, and a deadline that just got bumped up…. to tomorrow. What do you do? Maybe something in the kitchen will take the edge off….  there goes your healthy diet. In today’s non-stop working world, stress …

July 20, 2014
Caroline Jordan, Fitness Tips, Health, Nutrition, Nutrition Tips, Stress Relief, Wellness Articles, Work

Balance Training 101. Find Stability, Boost Strength, and Work Your Total Body!

Want stronger butt, thigh, hip, ankle, lower back, and ab muscles? You should give balance training a try! Balance training exercises can help you perform well, stay injury free, and move happy. However, it’s an area often forgotten by fitness enthusiasts and sometimes even fitness pros. You’ll miss out on a multitude of benefits if you aren’t training balance …

July 12, 2014
Ab training, Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Health, Running, Wellness, Workout Videos, Workouts

Caroline’s Better Beverage Guide. Re-Think Your Drink and Get Fit While You Sip!

When we think about health we often think: diet, exercise, and regular visits to the doc.  But did you know that what you drink makes a huge difference on if you are successful or not with your health goals? A recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that around 37 percent of our total daily …

July 6, 2014
Caroline Jordan, detox, Health, Nutrition, Nutrition Tips, Uncategorized, Weight Loss, Wellness, Wellness Articles, ZICO coconut water