This is Me with No Makeup and I’m Cool With It.
This is me with NO Makeup and I’m cool with it. This post is about self acceptance, self love, and making choices based on what makes you FEEL GOOD.

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Hello there friend!
Doing something a little radical on the Youtube channel…. I’m going NAKED for the world to see! This is me with No Makeup. And I’m actually cool with it.
Yup. NO makeup! A bare face! Here I am, this is me. Press play.
This is Me With No Makeup and I’m Cool With It.
I wanted to film this Youtube video to talk about self acceptance, self love, and making choices based on what makes YOU FEEL GOOD.
When I was younger I used to feel pressure to wear makeup. I would feel naked without it. I wouldn’t leave the house without makeup on. In fact: I would even wear makeup to teach fitness classes and workout because I felt self-conscious without it. Which when you think about it, makes NO sense because I was putting makeup on to just sweat it off. I was wasting money, time, and a lot of effort putting on makeup.
When we start to examine things we do every day on a personal level it sparks thought. Why did I feel like I had to spend all that time and energy putting on makeup?
I felt like I had to wear makeup to be accepted by others. But the reality is: I just had to choose to accept myself (makeup on or makeup off).
Over the years my relationship to myself has evolved and I have grown to love, approve, and accept myself. It’s a never-ending work in progress and I am by no means perfect. But every day I make the conscious effort to practice self-love and make choices that make me feel good.
My relationship to wearing makeup has also changed. I love makeup and I think it is so much fun. I enjoy trying new colors, styles, and getting “fancy”. But I no longer need makeup to feel good enough or good about myself. I wear makeup when I feel like it and when I don’t…. I don’t. At first, the days I chose not to wear makeup felt uncomfortable and strange. Yet the side-eye glances, rude comments, and strange looks I was fearfully anticipating never happened. (“Look, she’s not wearing makeup!” said no one ever.) It’s liberating to realize that at the end of the day, no one cares about what’s on your face except you.
If you are into makeup there is NO shame in that! Heck, I’ll rock a cat eye with you any day. What I want to communicate is simply this message: Wear makeup or don’t wear makeup just DO WHAT MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD. You deserve to love yourself and love your life makeup on or makeup off.
I hope this encourages you to make choices that allow you to feel your very best inside and out. And I hope it reminds you that you don’t need any product to feel or be beautiful. You can choose that yourself.
I love you friends – thanks for subscribing to my Youtube channel, for being a part of my community, and for being a part of my heart. I want to hear from you: how do you feel about makeup? What is your relationship to your naked face? Let me know in the comments below – Id love to hear from you!
With love and light,
My mission is to empower feel good fitness inside and out. I am here to be of service in your wellness and help you get your mind, body, and spirit in shape so you can love your life. Lets work together and live well. Contact me at [email protected]
For more self love resources and support, Check out my book, Balanced Body Breakthrough and get your mind, body, and spirit in great shape so you can love your life.
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