Tag: blog

But First, Let Me Take A “Shelfie”

One of the best parts of the book publishing process has been sharing the journey with my community. Throughout the month of September, all of the people who backed the book have been receiving special signed copies of Balanced Body Breakthrough as a gift before the official publish date on October 18th.  One by one, books have been delivered around …

October 8, 2016
Caroline Jordan, Fitness

Things to Remember When Life Gets Really Hard.

Life feeling hard? Help yourself stay strong and positive with these uplifting words. Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching Program Hurt Foot Fitness e-book  Strong Body Program Hurt Foot Workout Videos Is your life feeling hard right now? Read these words and important reminders. I wrote this article to send strength and faith out into the universe. …

July 30, 2016
Caroline Jordan, Inspiring, love yourself, Mindfulness, Positive Psychology, Postive Affirmations, Reflections, Words That Matter