Tag: hamstring pain

Hamstring Tendonitis Pain

Hamstring Tendonitis Pain. Exercises That Will Help Heal Your Hamstrings

Hamstring Tendonitis Pain: Help your body heal with this complete step by step guide to recover from high hamstring tendonitis injury. Chances are if you’ve found my High Hamstring Tendonitis Injury Recovery Guidebook, you are dealing with High Hamstring  Tendonitis and looking to feel better. My name is Caroline Jordan, and I want to help you. …

October 14, 2019
Caroline Jordan

Feel Better After A Long Work Day With This Quick Exercise

Feel better after a long work day with this quick exercise. You stayed late in the office (again) and your feet drag as you move through your front door. The day was a blur of  non-stop projects, meetings, emails, and calls. You hadn’t expected another long work day, but feel positive about all of the progress made on …

January 27, 2017
Caroline Jordan, Corporate Health, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Foot Exercise, Foot Help, Workout Videos, YouTube

How I got my Butt Back. A Surprising Yoga Injury Experience

Too much flexibility can lead to injury. Read this post to avoid a painful yoga injury, keep your butt muscles healthy, and keep your body free of pain from too much stretching. You can get an injury doing yoga? Surprisingly yes. Here’s my story about a Yoga Injury that taught me all about the dangers …

March 23, 2014
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Mindfulness, Workouts, yoga