Tag: happiness

Lessons On Living A Positive Life I Learned From My Mom

On Mother’s Day, you might give your mom a book or a thoughtful card. You might call to tell her you love her. You might take a moment to reminisce about your fondest memories together. But one of the greatest gifts you can give your mother is recognition. Whether it takes a few words or …

May 7, 2016
Caroline Jordan, Health, Inspiring, Positive Psychology, Reflections, Wellness Articles

70 Actionable Ways to Love Yourself and Love Your Life.

“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” – Lucille Ball Want to fall in love? Start with yourself. Here are 70 actionable ways to love yourself and love your life. When Valentine’s Day approaches, we all start looking for signs of love …

February 14, 2016
Caroline Jordan, love your body, love yourself, Self-Love, Wellness

How I Went From Burnout To Balance. Secrets To Success In Work, Wellness, and Life.

How I beat Burnout to find a healthy life balance. My secrets to success in work, wellness, and life. Introduction Chapter from Balanced Body Breakthrough : The Modern Hero’s Journey—from Burnout to Balance “Have you ever been so chronically tired that you just can’t seem to think straight? Your emotions are all over the map, and you get easily upset? …

October 4, 2015
Caroline Jordan, Fitness Tips, Wellness

Spring Wellness Weekend with Caroline Jordan Fitness at Spa Solage.

“The time to take a deep breath is when you dont have time for it”  I am beyond excited to head back to Solage Resort Calistoga March 21 and 22 to host another rejuvenating wellness weekend. My January retreat was a memorable, uplifting experience and I’ve been craving the soothing setting of Solage ever since. The …

February 22, 2015
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Health, San Francisco, Special Events, Uncategorized, Wellness

Don’t Seek Love, Live in Love. 70 ways to Fall in Love with your Life!

When Valentine’s Day approaches, we all start looking for signs of love outside of ourselves—chocolate, cards, phone calls, flowers, gifts or other sweet sentiments.  Its all to easy to connect our happiness to these external factors and use these things to define the level of love in our lives. Yet it’s important to remember that happiness …

February 15, 2015
Caroline Jordan, Health, Inspiring, love your body, love yourself, Positive Psychology, self care, Self-Love, Wellness

Great Reasons To Spend More Time Alone. Health Benefits of Solitude

Carving out a little solitude can make a world of difference. Here are some great reasons to spend more time alone. Go ahead—give yourself a break. Photo credit Kuroda Studios I consider myself a pretty social person, but I also absolutely need my “caroline” time – those periodic moments away from the world. After a business …

November 16, 2014
Caroline Jordan, Health, healthy holidays, Inspiring, love yourself, Reflections, self care, self esteem, Self-Love, Stress Relief, Uncategorized, Wellness, Wellness Articles

Feeling Stressed? It Could Be Your Relationship….

Feeling stressed? It could be your relationship. No, not to your honey. To your technology. Do you keep your mobile phone with you all the time? Do you feel the constant need to respond to emails, calls, and texts immediately? Are you at the beck and call of every “PING!” you hear? We are known as the connected …

October 19, 2014
Caroline Jordan, Corporate Health, Health, Inspiring, Mindfulness, San Francisco, self care, Stress Relief, Uncategorized, Wellness, Wellness Articles, Work

Too Tired for Life After Work? Try These Quick Tips for Renewed Energy

You get home from a long work day and feel the fatigue hit you when you walk in the door. You had hoped to go for a run, check out that yoga class, or meet a friend for dinner but you are just…. so…. tired. The only thing that sounds good is hitting the couch and ordering …

June 15, 2014
Caroline Jordan, Corporate Health, Health, Wellness, Wellness Articles, Work

Self Care is the secret to a Wealthy Life. Happiness and Health is PRICELESS.

Making YOURSELF a sacred priority is one of the smartest moves you can make. The April theme of “self-care” has been a powerful reminder of that. In week one, I provided a few powerful questions to help you define what self care means to YOU and personalize your approach to making it a part of your …

April 27, 2014
Caroline Jordan, Mindfulness, Postive Affirmations, self care, Self-Love, Wellness Articles