Month: May 2015

How Healthy is Your Salad? Build a Better Salad Guide.

When you’re trying to eat healthier, a cool crisp salad seems like the ideal meal. But not all salads are created equal. Just because your meal is green doesn’t mean it’s lean. Get to know how many calories you are consuming and learn to build a better bowl with my healthy salad guide below. Many people commit …

May 24, 2015
Caroline Jordan, Diet, Health, Nutrition, Nutrition Tips

Needles are GOOD for you? The Inside Scoop on My Acupuncture Experience

  I come from a family of Doctors. My dad is a doctor. His brothers are doctors. My grandfather was a doctor. His father was a doctor. His fathers father was a doctor. My mother was a nurse. Her sister is a nurse. My mothers father was a doctor. My little brother is in medical …

May 3, 2015
Caroline Jordan, Health, San Francisco, Wellness, Wellness Articles