Tag: sugar

Struggling with the Holiday Blues? You are not alone. Here’s How to Cope.

photo credit Kuroda Studios Struggling with the Holiday Blues? You are not alone. Here’s How to Cope.  The holidays are hard. Wait, did I just say that? I know it’s supposed to be the “most wonderful time of year”, but I’m just going to be real with you. They can be hard for me. And …

December 16, 2016
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Health, healthy holidays, Inspiring, Mindfulness, Wellness, Wellness Articles

Holiday Hangover Cure.

  We’ve all been there. A few too many servings of holiday parties, rich foods, booze, and sugar has left you feeling completely dysfunctional. Your head hurts, your digestion is off, and you crave a remedy ASAP. Want to cure the holiday party hangover and return to your normal energetic persona? If you are feeling like your body got hit by a …

November 26, 2016
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, healthy holidays, Nutrition

Best All Natural Protein Bars. Here Are the Healthiest Choices.

What are the Best All Natural Protein Bars? Here are my Tips on How to Choose A Healthy Protein Bar That Isn’t Candy. They’re everywhere! Bars, bars, and more bars. They’re in the cereal aisle, in the form of breakfast bars and granola bars. They’re in the diet section as meal replacement bars, and they’re in the sports …

April 17, 2016
Caroline Jordan, Diet, Health, Nutrition, Nutrition Tips, Weight Loss

Aspartame, Saccharin, and Sucralose OH MY! The Sweetened beverage and Sugar issue.

“Actually, I think all addiction starts with soda. Every junkie did soda first. But no one counts that. Maybe they should…” – Chris Rock True story, I used to be a junkie. Diet 7Up was my soda of choice and I was addicted. A.D.D.I.C.T.E.D. I drank the stuff like it was water. Because once you …

November 11, 2012
Caroline Jordan, Fitness Tips, Health, Nutrition Tips, Weight Loss, Wellness Articles