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Month: March 2016

The Best Kind of Milk for Your Body. Your Inside Guide to Milk.

I often get asked: “What kind of milk should I drink? Is soy bad for you? Does cow’s milk offer better nutrition? What type of milk do you put in your coffee? Is there protein in almond milk?” The inquires go on and on.  If you’re curious about milk, I’ve got the A to your Q. Read …

March 20, 2016
Caroline Jordan, Diet, Health, Nutrition, Nutrition Tips

GIVEAWAY. “Thrive Fitness. The Program for Peak Mental and Physical Strength—Fueled by Clean, Plant-Based, Whole Food Recipes.”

I am a partner and brand ambassador for Vega: a premium, clean, plant based nutrition company. Im so grateful to have found Vega whole food plant based nutrition products and thankful for the strength they’ve added to my life. Over the years Ive learned nutrition absolutely has to be a priority if you want to look, feel, and perform …

March 12, 2016
Ambassador, Caroline Jordan, Giveaway, Health, Nutrition, Nutrition Tips, Recipes

Prevent Burnout, Find Balance. Corporate Wellness at Sephora Headquarters.

Ah Sephora. One of my all time favorite brands. Even as a little girl I was fascinated by beauty products. I remember playing with my mother’s lipsticks and eyeshadows, strutting my stuff around our home with purple eye color, bright red lips, and my little feet swimming in Mom’s high heels. The love continued through …

March 6, 2016
Caroline Jordan, Corporate Health, Health, Wellness