Category: Self-Love

Guided Meditation

Easy Guided Meditation For Powerful Results. Calm Your Mind In Minutes

Have you thought about starting a meditation practice? I really started to explore meditation when I got my first serious injury. Isolated from activities I loved and unable to use my body as an stress relieving outlet, meditation offered a way to find peace during an uncomfortable time in my life. I started with simple …

April 2, 2018
Caroline Jordan, Positive Psychology, Postive Affirmations, Self-Love, Wellness, Wellness Articles

This is Me with No Makeup and I’m Cool With It.

This is me with NO Makeup and I’m cool with it. This post is about self acceptance, self love, and making choices based on what makes you FEEL GOOD. SUBSCRIBE to my channel for videos to help you FEEL GOOD LIKE Caroline Jordan Fitness on facebook and join the positive community to start living your …

February 22, 2017
Body confidence, Caroline Jordan, self care, self esteem, Self-Love

What is My Theme for 2017? Healing.

I set an intention with a “theme” for each New Year. I believe this sets a strong, powerful intention for a desired outcome and allows you to stay consistent in taking action towards a year congruent with that theme. 2012 (“The Year of Self Love”) and 2013 (“The Year of Yes”) have been favorites so …

February 1, 2017
Caroline Jordan, Goals, Inspiring, Reflections, self care, Self-Love, Wellness

How to Listen To Your Body

Struggling to find a balance with fitness? Here’s how to learn to listen to your body and enjoy exercise in a healthy way. Have you ever had one of those days where you were tired? You started a workout, but then felt heavy, exhausted, and needed to rest? I have those days. I get excited …

September 3, 2016
Body confidence, Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Health, love your body, love yourself, self care, Self-Love, Sports, Wellness, Workouts

How To Stop Taking Things Personally.

Want to stop taking things personally? Read this helpful article on how to not take things personally to feel better in your relationships and life. How To Stop Taking Things Personally.  Have you ever found yourself ruminating and overanalyzing what someone said to you hours after a conversation? Or worried that when a friend doesn’t text you back …

April 3, 2016
Caroline Jordan, Health, Inspiring, love yourself, Mindfulness, Positive Psychology, self care, self esteem, Self-Love, Wellness, Words That Matter

70 Actionable Ways to Love Yourself and Love Your Life.

“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” – Lucille Ball Want to fall in love? Start with yourself. Here are 70 actionable ways to love yourself and love your life. When Valentine’s Day approaches, we all start looking for signs of love …

February 14, 2016
Caroline Jordan, love your body, love yourself, Self-Love, Wellness

From Body Loathing to Self-Loving. An inspiring story.

Photo Credit Mark Kuroda “Hi Caroline, My name is Megan, I am 19 years old and I am writing to you to say thank you. I have struggled with body image and exercise my entire life, when I was 12 years old I was extremely over weight, and by the time I was 14 I …

August 2, 2015
Caroline Jordan, Health, Inspiring, love your body, love yourself, Positive Psychology, self care, self esteem, Self-Love, Wellness

Don’t Seek Love, Live in Love. 70 ways to Fall in Love with your Life!

When Valentine’s Day approaches, we all start looking for signs of love outside of ourselves—chocolate, cards, phone calls, flowers, gifts or other sweet sentiments.  Its all to easy to connect our happiness to these external factors and use these things to define the level of love in our lives. Yet it’s important to remember that happiness …

February 15, 2015
Caroline Jordan, Health, Inspiring, love your body, love yourself, Positive Psychology, self care, Self-Love, Wellness

New Years Wellness Spa Retreat Weekend. January 3rd and 4th at SOLAGE Resort Calistoga, CA.

New Years. A time to reflect, goal set, and create a powerful and positive intention for the year ahead. A time to evaluate how you are living your life, how you WANT to be living your life, and to move forward with purpose. Setting powerful, detailed, and motivating goals inline with your life values is truly …

December 20, 2014
Best Of the Bay, Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Health, healthy holidays, self care, Self-Love, Stress Relief, Vision Board, Weight Loss, Wellness, Wellness Articles

Great Reasons To Spend More Time Alone. Health Benefits of Solitude

Carving out a little solitude can make a world of difference. Here are some great reasons to spend more time alone. Go ahead—give yourself a break. Photo credit Kuroda Studios I consider myself a pretty social person, but I also absolutely need my “caroline” time – those periodic moments away from the world. After a business …

November 16, 2014
Caroline Jordan, Health, healthy holidays, Inspiring, love yourself, Reflections, self care, self esteem, Self-Love, Stress Relief, Uncategorized, Wellness, Wellness Articles