Fearless Fitness Weekly Update : The VIPER Challenge!

Caroline Jordan Fitness Schedule and Special Events June 19-25:

HEADS UP! I am teaching TWO new classes this week. Come check out VIPER Training with me at EQUINOX San Francisco. What the heck is the VIPER? Check out this video.
Monday 6/20: 5:30pm Competition Core and 6-645pm Chisel’d, *** NEW CLASS 6:50-7:15pm VIPER EQUINOX

Tuesday 6/21:  12:30pm Cycling EQUINOX, 5pm Ball, 5:30pm BOSU, 6 pm Spin Circuit, and 7pm Sports Stretch Club One Citigroup

Wednesday 6/22: *** NEW CLASS 5:30-6:00pm VIPER, 6-630pm Chisel’d, 630-7pm Core Strength and Stretch EQUINOX

Thursday 6/23: 12:30pm Cycling EQUINOX .

Friday 6/24: 12pm Abs and 12:30pm Cycling EQUINOX . 

Saturday 6/25: 10am Chisel’d and 11am Cycling EQUINOX .

SATURDAY JUNE 25th SPECIAL EVENT 12:30-2pm!! “SEREN-I-TEA in the SQUARE” an interactive midday event featuring meditation, yoga, education and refreshments. Registration for this event is open to the public and you can register ANYTIME at http://bit.ly/SereniTea. . Click HERE for more information on this unique Summer tea party, DONT miss out on this incredible chance to move, sweat, and drink free tea!

Interested In Personal Training but not sure it fits in your budget? Try out a GROUP workout! Grab some friends and schedule a couples or group session. You’ll get quality training and SUPPORT in a fun group setting. Programs are carefully tailored to fit the unique fitness needs of each client and combined with lifestyle coaching for complete health and happiness. Don’t wait till next year to be healthier:Contact Me for details.

Fearless Fitness Tip Of the Week: What the heck is that workout TUBE?

It may look like a humble rubber tube, but ViPR  is an extremely effective training tool….

Virtually indestructible and incredibly functional, the ViPR has already made its mark in the fitness world and in the media.

WHAT IS VIPER? ViPR is an acronym for vitality, performance, and reconditioning. It’s about VITALITY: a re-newed sense of energy and movement possibility. Its about PERFORMANCE: performing at the highest level possible with plenty to spare. Its about RE-CONDITIONING: Regaining the power to move effectively and efficiently once more.

At the heart of VIPER is the concept of whole-body integration (WBI). There exists an old adage: “We are stronger as a whole than the sum of our parts.”

WBI means that for every action and movement performed, you are using your ENTIRE body to effectively create motion. This is consistent with the fundamental design of the human body. Current research is revealing these truths like never before. Recent anatomy and biomechanical studies had delineated these facts quite clearly. Treating and training movements using the WHOLE BODY is more effective…. and loading these movements will create accelerated adaptations. VIPER allows movement to be loaded, thus ensuring a positive transfer into life!

ViPR is designed to:

  • Provide an effective, whole-body workout
  • Build muscle and burn calories through strength and movement training
  • Be lifted, dragged, thrown, stepped on – and pretty much any movement you can think of
  • Be safe, as it’s made from rubber
  • Be suitable for all ages and abilities, with weights ranging from 4kg to 20kg


If you train with kettlebells, dumbbells, stability or medicine balls and balance tools, then you’ll already be familiar with the potential of effective training programmes to transform, tone and strengthen. ViPR achieves this potential with just one tool.

ViPR wasn’t designed to replace your existing equipment set-up, but to integrate seamlessly with your club’s existing BOSU, TRX or free weights. ViPR is also perfectly formed for easy storage and mobility.

It’s not uncommon for exercisers at all levels (women, older people, those in rehab and reconditioning programmes) to feel excluded from traditional resistance work and strength and interval training. ViPR is available to all of these users, as well as those typically looking to make serious strength and fitness gains.

The Viper  is a great training tool for fitness enthusiasts and weekend warriors (vitality), elite athletes (performance), and those on the sidelines rehabbing post-injury (reconditioning). There have been over 9,000 exercises developed using the VIPER. Are you ready to learn some of them? TAKE THIS WEEKS VIPER CHALLENGE!

Fearless Fitness Challenge Of The Week: The VIPER Challenge!

This week I challenge you to try at least THREE different exercises with the VIPER. You can join me for a class at EQUINOX Fitness or use a VIPER on the gym floor and sample some moves yourself!

Click on the below links to view sample workouts:

VIPER Training for Beginners in Fitness Magazine . Scroll to page 36 for the total body workout.

Interval Training with the VIPER at Men’s Health

These few sample workouts are just the beginning…  just imagine the possibilities! If you have questions or want help finding a VIPER class that fits into your schedule, feel free to CONTACT me or check out the EQUINOX website for more info 🙂

Im here to support you in finding your STRONGEST self – inside and out. Hope to see you in class this week for some VIPER training and other great workouts!

Thanks again for being an AMAZING fearless fitness family!




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