Simple Stretches And Gratitude Meditation Video.

Simple stretches and a gratitude meditation to help your body + mind feel positive this holiday season.

simple stretches

The holidays are a time of celebration and gathering with family and friends, a time to remember and appreciate our many blessings. But our culture puts too much emphasis on the gift giving and eating aspect of the holidays. This can lead to weight gain, family arguments, and sometimes fatal holiday shopping. What ever happened to simple acts of kindness and appreciating time spent with loved ones?

In the fitness industry, we often see a decline in exercise class sizes and gym numbers in December and a huge increase in January following the New Year’s resolutions. However between Thanksgiving and Christmas is the time we need to exercise and meditate the most. As we all know, exercise can combat the extra pounds as well as increase endorphins to make us feel more vibrant and happy. Meditation is also key to enhancing a sense of joy and peace. When we feel we have no time for ourselves is when we need that time the most.

This holiday season make time for you, even if it is twenty minutes of exercise and five to ten minutes of meditation. This sacred time is well spent and necessary for your wellbeing. This simple stretch and gratitude meditation video is short, effective, and offers you a powerful way to stay active. You will release tension and tightness in your whole body. This will help you manage stress so that you can feel your best. All you need to get started is a chair and a positive attitude. Press play below and give yourself a little time for your body + mind.

Simple Stretches And Gratitude Meditation Video

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Thank you for joining me for a few simple stretches and a moment of gratitude! Im so thankful we can stay healthy, fit, and peaceful together. I hope your holiday season is blessed with wellness. Cant wait to share more uplifting fitness with you in the years to come!

With love,


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