Stability Ball For Beginners Workout 16 Minutes Total Body

This stability ball for beginners workout will help beginners build strength and flexibility. It is also useful as a warm-up for a more extensive routine. The following stability ball for beginners exercises help work on all areas of your body while allowing you to get familiar with the unstable surface of the ball. This approach is perfect if you haven’t had much experience using a stability ball and want a gentle way to work your body.
Stability Ball For Beginners workout exercises:
- ball sit and circle – knee raises
- hip thrust moving
- crunch
- torso rotation
- modified plank – knees on floor
- straight leg bridge
- decline pushup
- wall sit
- Inner thigh lift
- leg back extension in forearm plank
You will need an exercise ball to perform this class. Here is where you can get my preferred brand:
Stability Ball For Beginners Workout 16 Minutes Total Body
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