Tag: free workouts

Floor exercises Caroline Jordan

Floor Exercises Routine. Total Body Workout (Arms, Abs, Butt, Thighs)

Who needs a gym when there’s the living room floor? Bodyweight floor exercises are a simple, effective way to improve balance, flexibility, and strength without gym machines or equipment. Get moving at home with these fun, uplifting floor exercises for a total body tone. Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching Program Hurt Foot Fitness e-book  Strong Body …

August 12, 2019
Caroline Jordan, Workout Videos, Workouts, YouTube

Buff up your Body Image With This Body Love Strength Workout.

Want to build a stronger body image? Buff up your body image with this body love strength workout. Every time i look in the mirror I choose to celebrate what I’ve got vs. hate what Im not. Its a constant work in progress and somedays are easier than others. Love it what we are born with, self-criticism is what we’ve learned here. The …

June 1, 2014
Body confidence, Caroline Jordan, Health, love your body, love yourself, Positive Psychology, Postive Affirmations, self care, self esteem, Self-Love, Wellness Articles

Healthy, Happy Halloween. Frightfully fierce workout circuit and Spooktacular Playlist!

One of the reasons I think so many people struggle with their weight over the holidays is because of an “all or nothing mindset”. They have the best of intentions, but with one piece of candy or a missed workout, throw their goals in the trash can. Halloween marks the beginning of the holiday season, …

October 27, 2013
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Health, Nutrition, Nutrition Tips, Weight Loss, Wellness Articles, Workout Videos, Workouts

FREE MASSAGE!! Caroline’s How to Foam Roll Guide

What the heck is foam rolling and why do I NEED it? Foam rolling is an inexpensive, super-versatile technique that can help you with  muscle tension relief, correcting muscular imbalances, allow your body an increased range of motion and aid in injury prevention. The best part? All it takes is 10-15 minutes of regular foam …

July 27, 2013
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Weight Loss, Wellness Articles, Workouts

Caroline’s Healthy Fourth of July Guide. Fitness, Recipes, and Fireworks for your FOURTH!

The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays. It’s all about friends, family and sharing quality time relaxing in the summer sunshine. Holidays always feel their best when they leave your body and mind feeling nourished and refreshed. You can still have a great Fourth without sacrificing your healthy habits and feel confident …

June 30, 2013
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Health, Nutrition, Nutrition Tips, Recipes, Weight Loss, Wellness Articles, Workout Videos, Workouts, ZICO coconut water

Crazy for ZICO Coconut Water! Hydrating and Energizing Free Workout Video Routine

Not to be confused with coconut milk (a concoction of coconut water and freshly grated coconut), ZICO coconut water is all-natural carbs, straight up. A clear, sweet liquid with a nutty taste, it’s found inside young, green coconuts; the sterile water is usually harvested at the nine-month point.  Devotees praise its ability to keep the …

April 14, 2013
Caroline Jordan, Health, Nutrition, Nutrition Tips, Recipes, Wellness Articles, Workout Videos, Workouts, ZICO coconut water

Caroline’s Healthy, Happy Superbowl Guide. Recipes and Workouts for the WIN!

This year I am SUPER excited for the Superbowl, my home team, the San Francisco 49ers, are playing (and going to WIN!). Not only that, but I love a good football party. Sharing time with people you enjoy, delicious food, and unforgettable commercials – its always a good time. Unfortunately, along with the fun of the …

February 2, 2013
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Recipes, San Francisco, Wellness Articles, Workouts