Tag: sesamoid

Sesamoid Injury Exercises

Sesamoid Injury Exercises (What to Do and Not to Do).

When trying to heal from a sesamoid injury there are many sesamoid injury exercises you should do and shouldn’t do. This video gives you my top 2 sesamoid injury exercises to do when healing to stay fit, stay positive, and recover faster. GET VIRTUAL COACHING: CONTACT ME HERE.  HURT FOOT FITNESS COACHING PROGRAM HERE Hurt …

August 7, 2019
Caroline Jordan, Foot Exercise, Hurt Foot, Injury Recovery, YouTube
Sesamoid Injury

Helpful Tips For Healing Sesamoid Injuries. Here’s What Worked For Me.

No foot injury is a good injury, but a Sesamoid Injury can be one of the worst! It has one of the longest recovery timelines and often people never recover properly. Here’s my story on dealing with a painful Sesamoid Injury and helpful tips that worked for me. This is based off of my own personal experience and is …

April 28, 2017
Caroline Jordan, love your body, Running, YouTube

Foods and Supplements To Help Heal From a Bone Fracture or Injury

Foods and Supplements to Speed Healing From a Bone Break or Injury. What are foods and supplements you can take to help speed healing from a bone break or injury? Here are some of the foods and supplements I’ve used to help my body heal. STAY IN SHAPE with an injury with my FULL Injury Recovery Coaching …

January 5, 2017
Caroline Jordan, Diet, Foot Exercise, Foot Help, Health, Nutrition, Nutrition Tips, Wellness Articles, YouTube