20 min Total Body Flexibility Routine (FOLLOW ALONG)

20 min total body flexibility routine

Loosen stiff muscles, enhance recovery, and improve well being with my most recent 20 min Total Body Flexibility Routine. This follow along video will stretch you from head to toe and leave you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.

Stretching is something we all know we need to do more often. But when you are short on time and the world is calling for your attention, its very easy to skip the stretching portion of your fitness routine. Unfortunately doing so can leave you at a higher risk for injuries, aches, and limits your performance potential in life.

You may think you don’t have time for stretching or don’t need it…. until all those tight muscles catch up to you in an OUCH. Trust me on this, a stretch session is one of the best ways to take care of yourself. Let me teach you how easy it is to create a healthy stretching ritual that will allow you to stay active for years to come.

My follow along 20 min Total Body Flexibility Routine can help increase your flexibility, promote recovery, prevent injury, and help you unwind. Personally I do this routine in the evening before I go to bed. It hits all my tight spots and leaves me feeling well recovered from daily training and life stress. All it takes is your willingness to commit to making this video a habit in your daily life.

You don’t have to spend a lot of time on stretching exercises to get the benefits. This total body flexibility workout proves it with stretches so simple, you can do them anytime or anywhere—after a workout, at work, or when you’re at home watching TV. The exercises in my follow along 20 min Total Body Flexibility Routine promote flexibility and relaxation. They target all the major muscles of the body, including those that are chronically tight like the chest, shoulders, back, arms, hips, and legs. Try to stretch every day, if you can, for better results.

Next time you are feeling tight and tense, pull out this video and press play to stretch with me. I cant wait for you to experience the benefits of a comprehensive full body stretching exercise video for greater flexibility, stress relief, recovery, and reduction of soreness. Ready to try it? Meet me on your mat and lets stretch!

20 min Total Body Flexibility Routine (FOLLOW ALONG)

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Progress takes practice! Use this routine multiple a week in addition to your balanced exercise programming. Once you are ready to progress, join us on Patreon to start the follow along monthly fitness calendar where I tell YOU what to do everyday to see incredible fitness results. Keep it up my friend, Im cheering for you!

Till next time, keep moving my friend!


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