Category: Fashion

Healthy and Fit Holiday Gift Ideas 2015

Gift ideas for everyone on your list who’s into staying fit and feeling fabulous. Here are my top picks from every price range so that you can give the gift of health and happiness this holiday season. You have the power to help someone FEEL good inside and out. And that is something that lasts long …

November 29, 2015
Ambassador, Caroline Jordan, client spotlight, Fashion, Fitness, Fitness Tips, healthy holidays, Lululemon

Words to Live By: Making others Better.

Photo Credit Mark Kuroda I’ve got exciting news to share with you! I recently started working with Kristi Yamaguchi as an ambassador for her clothing line: Tsu.ya . Tsu.ya (pronounced tsoo-ya) is designed to feel good and deliver style that fits every part of an active lifestyle. Influenced by Kristi’s years as an international athlete traveling to fashion capitals …

November 15, 2015
Ambassador, Caroline Jordan, Fashion, Fitness, Inspiring, Words That Matter, Work

Positively Inspiring Workout Tanks. A Happy Holiday Gift From Caroline Jordan Fitness

  I believe positive thoughts equal positive results and that when your mind is in a good place your life will follow suit. The mind is a funny thing, and just like any muscle needs regular exercise to stay positive. The stress of modern living makes it even more challenging to remain mentally grounded, strong, and …

November 29, 2014
Caroline Jordan, Fashion, Fitness, Positive Psychology, Postive Affirmations

Effortless DIY Halloween Costume Ideas.

When I think of Halloween, my mind fills not with thoughts of spooks and spells, but with thoughts of happiness and excitement. It’s not the holiday most people consider the most positive with demons, devils, and scary things—but to me, it’s filled with festivity and fun. I think Halloween is one of the greatest holidays because …

October 26, 2014
Caroline Jordan, Fashion, healthy holidays, Playlists