Tag: hurt ankle

ankle exercises

Ankle Exercises for Injury Recovery and Prevention. Full Ankle Strengthening Exercise Routine

Ankle exercises to help you strengthen your ankles and feel your best. If you are coming back from an ankle injury, this exercise routine will help you recover and prevent further injury. Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching Program Hurt Foot Fitness e-book  Strong Body Program Hip and Hamstring healing e-book Full length, downloadable workout videos here.  …

March 31, 2019
Caroline Jordan, Foot Exercise, Foot Help, Hurt Foot, Injury Recovery, YouTube
Chair Boxing

Chair Boxing Cardio Workout. A Hard Seated Exercise Video That Will Kick Your Butt!

Chair Boxing is an amazing, low impact, exercise class that will work your whole body and strengthen your heart. Get ready to punch, twist, and box yourself into great shape! For the FULL Chair Boxing workout, enroll in my HURT FOOT Coaching PROGRAM where you will get LIFETIME access to a growing online hub of …

September 2, 2018
Workout Videos, Workouts, YouTube
Sesamoid Injury

Helpful Tips For Healing Sesamoid Injuries. Here’s What Worked For Me.

No foot injury is a good injury, but a Sesamoid Injury can be one of the worst! It has one of the longest recovery timelines and often people never recover properly. Here’s my story on dealing with a painful Sesamoid Injury and helpful tips that worked for me. This is based off of my own personal experience and is …

April 28, 2017
Caroline Jordan, love your body, Running, YouTube

20-Minute Advanced Chair Cardio Workout Video You Can Do With A Foot or Ankle Injury

A fun and challenging Chair Cardio Workout you can do with a foot or ankle injury. Work your heart and muscles with this exercise video routine.   STAY IN SHAPE with an injury with my FULL Injury Recovery Coaching Program or virtual fitness coaching. I want to help you keep you fit, sane, and positive. …

March 30, 2017
Caroline Jordan, YouTube

Advanced workout you can do with a Foot or Ankle Injury. “Hurt Foot Fitness!”

Here’s an advanced exercise video you can do with a hurt foot or Ankle Injury. STAY IN SHAPE WHILE YOU HEAL FROM A INJURY with my FULL Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching Program or virtual fitness coaching. I want to help you keep you fit, sane, and positive. Many of my clients and members RECOVER. Join …

March 23, 2017
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Foot Exercise, Foot Help, YouTube

How To Stay In Great Shape With A Foot Or Ankle Injury.

Learn how to stay in great shape with a foot or ankle injury with this full fitness program to keep you strong, lean, and toned. Stay in great shape with a foot or ankle injury! Check out my Full “Hurt Foot Fitness” Program here.  An INTERACTIVE, COMPREHENSIVE Lifestyle course (fitness, nutrition, and stress management) to keep you feeling positive …

March 16, 2017
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Foot Exercise, Foot Help