Category: Coaching

exercise addiction

Exercise Addiction / Over Exercise. 8 Recovery Tips.

An exercise addiction typically results in an unhealthy obsession with exercise and fitness. Learn the signs of an exercise addiction and get helpful tips on how to help yourself heal your relationship to yourself and to fitness. Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching Program Hurt Foot Fitness e-book  Strong Body Program Hip and Hamstring healing e-book Full …

July 3, 2019
Caroline Jordan, Coaching, Eating Disorder Recovery
New Years goals

5 New Years Resolution Goals That Will Change Your Year For the Better.

Are you looking to make 2019 your healthiest year yet? As a fitness and health coach, I am always working with clients on how to make them stronger physically and mentally year after year. During our coaching sessions, my clients create specific goals to commit to. From there I help them take action to make …

December 23, 2018
Caroline Jordan, Coaching, Goals, Health, healthy holidays, Wellness
Virtual Fitness Training

What Is Virtual Fitness Training? Transform Your Fitness From The Comfort Of Your Home

What is virtual fitness training? With more and more people looking for a holistic approach to health care, the demand for health coaching is growing. An ever-increasing number of health coaches and personal trainers are able to provide a digital, virtual or telephonic fitness coaching service for their clients. This makes it easy to get fit, …

December 11, 2018
Caroline Jordan, client spotlight, Coaching, Wellness, Wellness Articles

Trust In Your Body’s Ability To Heal Itself. Learn To Let Go And Help Your Body Heal Itself. Here’s How.

Trust in your body’s ability to heal itself. Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching Program Hurt Foot Fitness e-book  Strong Body Program Hurt Foot Workout Videos Your body has the ability to heal, change, grow, and progress. But you have to let it. When you dont trust your body it creates anxiety and stress. Fear blocks your …

May 16, 2018
Caroline Jordan, Coaching, Healing, YouTube