Chair Cardio and Weights Workout. 20 Minutes Total Body Seated Fitness Class

chair cardio and weights

Get the best bang for your buck when you combine cardio and strength training in this seated chair cardio and weights workout. This fitness video goes out by request for a Caroline Jordan Fitness Patreon Member (I call these investors in my channel my “Board of Directors”). She asked for a longer seated workout that used dumbbells for additional intensity and resistance. I listened to her request and got to work creating this total body non impact workout class. Are you ready to try it?

Seated workouts are perfect if you have are looking to improve your fitness and are unable to put a lot of impact on your joints. Exercising from a chair is low impact and appropriate for all ages. This seated cardio and strength workout uses dumbbells to increase the intensity. You will combine heart pumping intervals with strength training for optimal results. If you dont have dumbbells, dont sweat it! Household items like waterbottles can be used or you can choose to just work with your own body weight. Theres no such thing as a bad workout, except for the one that didn’t happen of course 😉 . Give yourself the gift of movement today and lets get going in this 20 minute no impact seated cardio and strength workout. Press play below.

Chair Cardio And Weights Workout Video

*Remember to be sure to get your doctor and/or physical therapists’ clearance first before trying this or any exercise routine. Always to listen to your body during the workout and modify or skip any movements that don’t work for you.*

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Fitness is a journey and every small positive step you take moves you forward! Take a positive step today! Till next time my friends, keep smiling and sweating!


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One Reply to “Chair Cardio and Weights Workout. 20 Minutes Total Body Seated Fitness Class”

  1. Love this workout, as a POC firefighter volunteer I like to keep fit. Being on my feet all day post working on feet 30 years plantar fasciitis and Spurs are my nemesis. This I can do and still enjoy working out as it has always been my passion:)

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