Diabetes workout : 10 exercises to Lower Blood Sugar fitness routine

This Diabetes workout video will help you learn 10 exercises you can do to lower your blood sugar and control diabetes symptoms. These exercises REALLY work! For a comprehensive diabetes home workout weight loss program, check out this Diabetes Exercises for Weight Loss.
Diabetes workout exercises are an important part of your diabetes management plan, and you can do them without leaving your home. Here’s a home-based diabetes fitness video routine that doesn’t require a gym membership, fancy workout clothes, or expensive equipment.
How does this Diabetes Workout lower blood sugar?
When you do moderate exercise, like this diabetes workout video routine, it makes your heart beat a little faster and makes you breathe a little harder. Your muscles use more glucose, the sugar in your blood stream. Over time, this can lower your blood sugar levels. It also makes the insulin in your body work better. You’ll get these benefits for hours after your walk or workout.
Just remember you don’t have to overdo it. Strenuous exercise can sometimes increase blood sugar temporarily after you stop exercising. Very intense exercise can cause the body to make more stress hormones which can lead to an increase in blood sugar.
Before You Start This Diabetes Exercise Video Be Sure To:
- Wear well-fitting, comfortable shoes and cotton socks that don’t rub. The right footwear can prevent blisters that could become serious infections for some people with diabetes.
- Check your blood sugar before a brisk walk or workout. If it’s below 100, check with your doctor to see if you need to eat a snack first.
- Carry a snack or glucose tablets in case your blood sugar gets low.
- Drink plenty of water before, during and after your workout.
- Always wear your diabetes ID necklace or bracelet while you’re exercising.
Its important to keep your heart strong by exercising for at least 150 minutes/week to control diabetes, eating a healthy diet of unprocessed foods, and cutting back on the amount of food that you eat if you need to lose weight. For FULL LENGTH exercise videos and a fitness program you CAN do to control your diabetes, get fit, and live your best life, check out the Diabetes Exercises For Weight Loss Workout Program !
Diabetes Workout: 10 Exercises
- Squat
- Knee raise
- Boxer side to side
- Lunges
- Side step
- Hip Abduction
- Hamstring Curl
- Heel taps
- Modified Jumping Jack
- Front kicks
Ready to get moving? Press play on the video below to start this Diabetes Workout: 10 exercises to lower your blood sugar.
Diabetes workout : 10 exercises to Lower Blood Sugar fitness routine
Like it? Dont forget to LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE! And be sure to check out the Diabetes Exercises For Weight Loss Workout Program for full length at home workout videos that will help you to lose weight, improve health, and control diabetes here.
I hope you can use these diabetes workout exercises to lower your blood sugar and control your diabetes symptoms. If they help you, leave me a comment below and let me know all about it! Remember: your health is the foundation of your success.
Keep up the good work and Ill see you for another great workout soon.
Need more help with diabetes management? The Diabetes Exercises For Weight Loss Program is for you! FINALLY a program that works with your body and budget. Get more information here.
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