Floor Strength Downloadable Workout Video. Feel Good Fitness Head To Toe.

Floor Strength workouts are one of my favorite ways to stay fit and active. Rolling out your mat, moving your bodyweight, and feeling your muscles work feels SOOOO GOOD on the body! I incorporate Floor Strength workouts 1-2 times per week within a balanced exercise schedule.


Floor Strength

Inspired by a fusion of bodyweight strength training and Pilates exercises, my original Floor strength fitness video will tone you from head to toe. I provide plenty of instruction on each move, coaching you through the proper form for every exercise so you see maximum results. The workout is designed to build strength and definition in your abs, butt, arms, hips, and thighs.

Floor strength is a low impact exercise class that doesn’t put pressure on your feet or joints. It requires no equipment and can be done at home, while traveling, or even in the gym with your fitness friends.

Ready to enjoy some Floor strength with me? I just produced a BRAND NEW Floor Strength workout video just for you.

This total body, non-weight bearing, floor strength workout will keep you fit and positive no matter what challenges you face. Prepare to build lean muscle mass, improve your strength, and increase your mobility in this effective, low-impact exercise routine. This workout is appropriate for all levels, all abilities, and those recovering from injury or dealing with a disability. It’s a great choice for a low-impact workout that’s kind to your joints! This routine can be performed at home, at the gym, or even when traveling for a quick physical and mental energy boost.

Prepare to burn calories while you sculpt the muscles in your arms, shoulders, upper back, abs, waist, back, hips, thighs, quadriceps, glutes, butt, calves, core and more with a variety of body weight moves. This is a downloadable video you can use throughout your life and one guaranteed to make you feel so good you’ll return to it time and time again to lift yourself up. Purchase now and get moving!

No fancy spandex is needed for this workout just come ready to work those muscles and have a good time! I can’t wait to hear what you think.DOWNLOAD HERE. , roll out your exercise mat, press play, and let’s get sweaty!

You can get this video AND MORE for FREE when you join my FULL Hurt Foot Fitness coaching PROGRAM. Enroll and join us. 

Floor Strength Downloadable Workout Video. Feel Good Fitness Head To Toe.

This video (and MORE) comes included when you enroll in my FULL Hurt Foot Fitness coaching PROGRAM. Join us here. 

Let me know how great you feel after you try this Floor Strength workout by leaving me a comment below.

I’m here to support you in living a positive life inside and out. Thank you so much for joining me for this uplifting workout! I cant wait to share more feel good fitness videos with you and see you live well.



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One Reply to “Floor Strength Downloadable Workout Video. Feel Good Fitness Head To Toe.”

  1. Caroline – I broke my toe 2 months ago and used your videos to keep me going. Now that I’m healed, which of your free videos do you recommend for a full-body workout? Thanks so much for all you do!

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