Hip and Thigh Workout At Home Without Weights – Shape Your Lower Body In Seconds (10 Minutes)

Get a 10 minute hip and thigh workout at home without weights, this video includes a few of the BEST exercises to shape the lower body.
Do you know how important it is to have STRONG hips? The hip muscles are a BIG deal when it comes to athletic performance and injury prevention. There are over 20 muscles that cross the hip, including the abductors (in the outer thigh), the hip flexors (in front), and the adductors (in the inner thigh), yet strangely enough, these muscles are often ignored in strength training routines. The results of neglect can be serious; when hips are tight, they can affect everything from our ability to bend forward, to overuse of the spine.
By performing exercises that stretch and strengthen our hips, we can avoid pain and injury, improve motion and circulation, and release energy. These are just a few reasons why we should make hip exercises part of our regular exercise routine.
If you’re not quite sure how to start strengthening your hips, here is a simple 10 minute hip exercise video to kickstart your program. This routine will strengthen your hips and thighs with all of the best exercises for a balanced lower body. Here are the moves we will be doing together in this 10 minute video:
Hip and Thigh Workout At Home Without Weights – Shape Your Lower Body In Seconds (10 Minutes) exercises
- Bridge
- Single leg bridge
- Single leg bridge
- Inner thigh press
- Clamshell
- Leg lift
- Front kick leg lift
- Star plank
- Clamshell
- Leg lift
- Front kick leg lift
- Star plank
- Firehydrant
- Firehydrant kick
- Hamstring curl
- Straight leg hold
- Firehydrant
- Firehydrant kick
- Hamstring curl
- Straight leg hold
Ready to get started? Roll out your mat, press play, and ENJOY!
*Remember to be sure to get your doctor and/or physical therapists’ clearance first before trying this or any exercise routine. Always to listen to your body during the workout and modify or skip any movements that don’t work for you.*
Hip and Thigh Workout At Home Without Weights – Shape Your Lower Body In Seconds (10 Minutes) video routine
If you try this 10 minute hip and thigh workout at home, you have to let me know how you feel in the comments here. Please consider pressing “SUBSCRIBE” and “LIKE”, your support helps the channel grow so I can make more videos to help you!
Remember no matter what, every day life gives you a chance to kick butt. Love sweating with you, keep up the good work!
In health,
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