Tag: pain

Upper back pain

Instant Relief For Upper Back Pain, Neck Pain, and Shoulder Pain (Knots and Tight Muscles)

Learn a simple stretching and massage routine to provide instant relief for upper back pain, shoulder pain, and neck pain. Help yourself feel better fast with this simple video of exercises to help you heal your upper body aches. Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching Program Hurt Foot Fitness e-book  Strong Body Program Hip and Hamstring healing …

August 5, 2019
Caroline Jordan, YouTube
hip bursitis

Hip Bursitis Exercise Routine. Best Exercises For Hip Bursitis.

Hip bursitis is a relatively common condition in which the fluid-filled sacs in your hips (bursas) become inflamed in an attempt to minimize friction in your hip joints. Exercise therapy can be an effective treatment for hip bursitis to reduce pain, swelling, stiffness, and any associated weakness in the hip, back, or lower extremity. What is …

May 13, 2019
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Injury Recovery, Workout Videos, Workouts, YouTube
Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis? Use these All Natural Treatments and Supplements for Pain Relief from LuckyVitamin. PLUS HUGE GIVEAWAY!

Plantar fasciitis commonly causes stabbing pain that usually occurs with your first steps in the morning. Read on to learn simple things you can do to heal plantar fasciitis and the best all natural supplements for pain relief. And be sure to enter in a special giveaway simply by treating your heel pain with LuckyVitamin! …

April 29, 2019
Ab training, Ambassador, Best Of the Bay, Body confidence, Caroline Jordan
diabetic foot pain

Diabetic Foot Pain Relief. Foot and Ankle Exercises For People With Diabetes

Do you struggle with diabetic foot pain? Get relief with these foot and ankle exercises Diabetes is one of the most common reasons people seek relief for painful feet. Thats because when you have diabetes, you are constantly living with high blood sugar levels. The problem is that over the long term, these elevated levels can …

December 15, 2018
Caroline Jordan, Foot Exercise, Foot Help, Workouts
high hamstring injury

High Hamstring Tendonitis Injury. Exercises To Get Rid Of Pain!

High Hamstring Tendonitis Injury is a pain in the butt (literally!). Help your body heal with this complete exercise guide to recover from high hamstring tendonitis. Hello my friend, Chances are if you’ve found my High Hamstring Tendonitis Injury Recovery Guidebook, you are dealing with High Hamstring Tendonitis and looking to feel better. My name is …

December 3, 2018
Injury Recovery, Workouts
Lets Talk About Hypermobility...

Stop Stretching?! Hypermobility and Finding Stability. Prevent Injury + Get Rid Of Pain!

Can too much stretching be bad for you? Learn the dangers of Hypermobility and prevent painful injuries with these helpful tips. Some people are bendy and some people are stiff. Being bendy can be a major concern (especially for women) and often hypermobile people aren’t aware of their own mobility. I want to provide some information …

April 14, 2018
Fitness, Fitness Tips, Wellness Articles

Exercises for Sciatica Pain Relief. Feel Better Fast With This Sciatic Nerve Routine.

You don’t have to live with pain! Sciatic Pain, or Sciatica, which is pain along the large sciatic nerve that runs from the lower back down the back of each leg, can cause severe, debilitating pain. But there are all natural ways to ease and treat Sciatic Pain. Get Sciatica Pain Relief with this quick effective …

June 21, 2017
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Workout Videos, YouTube
Knee Pain Relief

Get Rid Of Knee Pain with Simple Exercises and Fitness Tips for for Knee Pain Relief and Knee Health

Here’s a look at some common causes of Knee Pain and action steps you can take to help your knees feel better fast. SUBSCRIBE to my channel for videos to help you FEEL GOOD LIKE Caroline Jordan Fitness on facebook and join the positive community to start living your healthiest, happiest life. You notice it …

March 26, 2017
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Workout Videos, Workouts, YouTube