Get Rid Of Knee Pain with Simple Exercises and Fitness Tips for for Knee Pain Relief and Knee Health

Here’s a look at some common causes of Knee Pain and action steps you can take to help your knees feel better fast.

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You notice it when you wake up in the morning. You feel it when you walk down stairs. It’s sore during your work day and hurts when you stand in high heels. It slows you down on your run and hurts when you do squats at the gym. It nags with weird noises and uncomfortable spurts of pain.
It’s knee pain and it’s starting to get annoying.
Is there a fix? Do you need a doctor or just a few simple fitness hacks?
Before you book an appointment with your sports medicine doc, let’s see if we can get that knee pain to feel better with some simple exercises and movement strategies for success. Sometimes, simply by changing the way you move and train, you can eliminate pain and feel better in your body. Here’s a look at some common causes of Knee Pain and action steps you can take to help your knees feel better fast.
Common Causes of Knee Pain
- Wearing High Heels
- Too much sitting
- Tight quad, hip flexor, butt, hip, and calf muscles
- Repetitive stress or overuse of one type of movement
- Weak hip, butt, and core muscles (you gotta strengthen those guys consistently to combat “sleeping BOOTY syndrome” and other not so fun things)
Simple Ways You Can Alleviate Knee Pain Now
- Get Moving! One of the best things you can do for knee health is simply maintaining an active lifestyle. Too much sitting will cause your knees to get achy and stiff, your joints thrive on movement! Remember : some activity is better than no activity. Try low-impact activities, like swimming, brisk walking, or cycling, and considering taking health supplements that provide glucosamine and chondroitin to strengthen and lubricate knees.
- Maintain a well-rounded exercise program. Make sure your exercise routine includes a variety of cardio, strength, and flexibility training. If you only do one type of exercise (like run or cycle) you need to cross-train to balance out your muscles and prevent injury. Too much of one type of exercise (like running) can cause overuse from repetitive stress. Look at your weekly routine and build in variety to balance your body. I teach you how to create a balanced exercise program in my Strong Body program.
- Build a strong butt. Gluteal amnesia and “sleeping booty syndrome” is REAL. Knee Pain is often tied to weak hips, butt, and ab muscles —especially for women. Focus on strengthening all of theses muscles and support your knees. The below butt and hip workout video playlist includes helpful strength exercises for the hips, butt, and core. Done consistently any of the below exercise routines will support you in stronger muscles for less Knee Pain.
Workout Playlist: Butt and Hip Exercise Video Routines
- Stretch. Multiple muscles overlap the knee joint including your calf, thigh, hamstrings, quadriceps, gastrocnemius, and soleus. All of these work together to flex, extend, and stabilize the knee. This means you want to think about stretching all of the tissues around the knees. The video below includes some of the best (and simplest) moves that stretch all of the muscle groups around the knee for Knee Pain relief. Try to do these stretches after every workout to keep your knees healthy now and in the future.
Knee Massage and Stretching Routine for Knee Pain Relief.
- Massage. Taking a few minutes to massage out the kinks in all of the muscles around the knees can help get rid of soreness, improve flexibility, increase range of motion, and fix tight muscles that may be contributing to Knee Pain. Both of the below videos address specific Knee Pain massage techniques that you can do anywhere for instant relief. These videos use the Yoga Tune Up Therapy Balls and are highly effective in treating and preventing Knee Pain.
Knee Massage Video for Knee Pain
Quad and Hip Flexor Massage Video
A few minutes of strength exercises, simple stretches, and self massage techniques can make a significant difference in Knee Pain relief and performance. You aren’t 110 yet! You deserve to enjoy a long life with healthy knees that can take you on adventures. Balance your fitness routine with the above exercises to keep your knees healthy and strong. Life is too short to let Knee Pain slow you down and if you give them a little love, your knees will keep you moving for a long time.
Let me know how your knees feel after you try these videos in the comments below. I am here to help you keep your body and mind in great shape so you can love your life.
Here’s to you and happy knees,
Check out my Strong Body program and get the support you need to get rid of pain and build a balanced fitness routine.
Other Things To Check Out:
Knee pain may damage your daily activity if it is not noticed or taken specific care or may have to face grave consequences. It is increasingly targeting elderly people.
great advises to give relief from knee pain.
thanks for sharing.