Category: Hurt Foot

Chair Cardio HIIT

HIIT Workout / Chair Cardio Workout – Chair Exercises (Advanced). PLT Active Collaboration

Chair Cardio HIIT is an intense interval workout that you can do seated. This is an advanced cardio workout that doesn’t require standing up! If you are looking for a good sweat, then you’re in luck. Press play on this Chair Cardio HIIT workout video! If there’s a type of workout that I get the …

September 9, 2019
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Hurt Foot, Workout Videos, Workouts, YouTube
Sesamoid Injury Exercises

Sesamoid Injury Exercises (What to Do and Not to Do).

When trying to heal from a sesamoid injury there are many sesamoid injury exercises you should do and shouldn’t do. This video gives you my top 2 sesamoid injury exercises to do when healing to stay fit, stay positive, and recover faster. GET VIRTUAL COACHING: CONTACT ME HERE.  HURT FOOT FITNESS COACHING PROGRAM HERE Hurt …

August 7, 2019
Caroline Jordan, Foot Exercise, Hurt Foot, Injury Recovery, YouTube
Hurt Foot Coaching Program

The Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching Program. Stay Fit With A Foot Or Leg Injury.

The Hurt Foot Coaching program will teach you how to live your best life while healing from a foot or lower leg injury. In this comprehensive online lifestyle program you’ll get EVERYTHING you need to be successful in health and healing. With exclusive injury friendly workouts, specific injury nutrition, secrets to staying positive, and more …

June 17, 2019
Caroline Jordan, Hurt Foot, Injury Recovery, Workouts
plantar fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis : 3 Best Exercises. Get Rid Of Foot Pain Now!

Plantar fasciitis commonly causes stabbing pain that usually occurs with your first steps in the morning. Read on to learn the 3 best exercises you can do to heal plantar fasciitis and the best all natural supplement for pain relief.  Did you know one in 10 people will struggle with Plantar Fasciitis at some point …

May 20, 2019
Caroline Jordan, Fitness Tips, Foot Exercise, Foot Help, Hurt Foot, Injury Recovery, YouTube
ankle exercises

Ankle Exercises for Injury Recovery and Prevention. Full Ankle Strengthening Exercise Routine

Ankle exercises to help you strengthen your ankles and feel your best. If you are coming back from an ankle injury, this exercise routine will help you recover and prevent further injury. Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching Program Hurt Foot Fitness e-book  Strong Body Program Hip and Hamstring healing e-book Full length, downloadable workout videos here.  …

March 31, 2019
Caroline Jordan, Foot Exercise, Foot Help, Hurt Foot, Injury Recovery, YouTube

Hurt Foot Yoga. Yoga Routine For a Broken Foot, Ankle, of Lower Leg Injury.

Looking for yoga postures you can do with a hurt foot, ankle, or leg injury? Try these out. Keep your body strong and avoid the aches and pains that come from being sedentary with this hurt foot yoga exercise video routine. Hurt Foot Fitness Coaching Program Hurt Foot Fitness e-book  Strong Body Program Hip and …

March 2, 2019
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Hurt Foot, Injury Recovery, Stress Relief, Workout Videos, Workouts, YouTube

Aqua Jogging Workouts Are Seriously TOUGH. Here’s How To Dive In For Amazing Fitness Results

Think Aqua Jogging Workouts are just for grandparents? Think again. Deep water training is used by top athletes and fitness buffs to increase endurance, fitness, power, and strength. Here’s how to dive in and get started. Research shows that people who water exercise can burn as much body fat and build as much muscle as …

November 23, 2018
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Hurt Foot, Workouts
doctor foot injury

5 Things Your Doctor Doesn’t Tell You About Foot and Ankle Injury

Here are 5 important things your doctor doesn’t tell you about foot or ankle injury. This information might just be what helps you get to the other side of injury in good shape…. No injury is a good injury…. but a foot or ankle injury? Kind of one of the worst kind. Losing your ability …

November 4, 2018
Caroline Jordan, Hurt Foot, Injury Recovery
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