No Neck Pain Abs Workout

no neck pain abs

Have you ever tried to do a core workout and instead of feeling your abs, you are feeling the strain in your neck or back? It can be tough to stick through the workout if you constantly end up in pain and discomfort. If this sounds like you, watch this video and start off with these exercises to strengthen your core, without adding that extra tension on your lower back and neck!!

Working your core is important for a stronger body and better posture, but if you are also hurting your neck, back or hips in the process, then you may be missing out on some of the benefits of ab workouts altogether. One of the most common complaints from traditional ab exercises is neck pain. Too often the movement of core exercises puts undue strain on the neck and upper back. A lot of this has to do with form and our posture from spending entirely too much time on the computer. But don’t give up on your abs altogether—my creative core exercises will leave you with a strong core without the pain in the neck. As a certified personal trainer and coach, Im here to help you find exercises that strengthen your core without strain and help you move better in your body. Join me for this neck friendly abs workout and we will get strong together!

No Neck Pain Abs Workout exercises:

  • Dead bugs
  • Toe taps
  • Reverse curls
  • Russian twists
  • Kneeling russian twist R
  • Kneeling russian twist L
  • Tuck ups
  • Good mornings
  • Boat pose
  • Straight leg single leg drop

Working the abs is definitely important for the body. There are so many exercises out there that cause strain and pain on the back and neck that people often give up. The exercises in this video work on strengthening the abs while keeping the back and neck safe.

No Neck Pain Abs Workout Video

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I love working out with you! Stay healthy my friend and I cant wait to share another video with you soon!


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2 Replies to “No Neck Pain Abs Workout”

  1. Well, I really need these and thank you!! But I’m not sure I’m doing them correctly. They just don’t feel difficult enough!! Should low back be pressed into the floor in all the supine ones? Tailbone tucked in the kneeling ones? Please advise. Thanks!

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