Tag: muscle

Hamstring Tendonitis Pain

Hamstring Tendonitis Pain. Exercises That Will Help Heal Your Hamstrings

Hamstring Tendonitis Pain: Help your body heal with this complete step by step guide to recover from high hamstring tendonitis injury. Chances are if you’ve found my High Hamstring Tendonitis Injury Recovery Guidebook, you are dealing with High Hamstring  Tendonitis and looking to feel better. My name is Caroline Jordan, and I want to help you. …

October 14, 2019
Caroline Jordan
foot injury

Foot Injury Workout Routine. 20 Minute Full Body Exercise Video

Foot Injury Workout Routine. Get workouts and exercises to help you maintain your physical fitness while recovering from a foot or lower leg injury.  DONATE to the Channel and support this work SUBSCRIBE Get Injury Recovery Virtual Coaching: [email protected] FULL Hurt Foot Fitness coaching program Hurt Foot Fitness e-book Hi My Friend, I know what you are …

November 28, 2017
Caroline Jordan, Workout Videos, Workouts, YouTube

Six Weeks to a Stronger Body and Mind. Are you ready to feel good in your skin?

Build a strong body, live a fit lifestyle and feel good in your skin with Strong Body, a transformative 6-week virtual fitness coaching program. Want to learn to love and strengthen your body? Read the program guidelines and course schedule here to decide if this program is right for you. Hi my friend, I hope this …

August 8, 2017
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Workouts

Why Your Fitness Routine Isn’t Working

Doing everything “right” and not seeing results? It may be time to mix things up. Here’s your answer. Dear Caroline, I’ve been a newsletter subscriber for years and I love your authenticity, content, and YouTube videos. I’m getting burned out in my usual exercise routine and I could use pointers to increase my strength and build …

August 1, 2017
Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Fitness Tips, Workouts

Waist Whittling Workout Routine. 15 Minutes to a Sculpted Stomach

Work your entire core and whittle your Waist with this ab exercise routine for a sculpted stomach. Want to join in for more live workouts and videos with me? SUBSCRIBE to my channel to be notified when I go LIVE so you can take part in exclusive, uplifting, and energizing content to help you feel your best.  Hi Friends! Clients often ask …

July 2, 2017
Ab training, Caroline Jordan, Workout Videos, Workouts, YouTube

How To Get A Summer Six Pack! Fast, Effective Ab Exercise Routine That Works.

“How Do I Get A Six Pack?” is one of the most common questions I am asked. As a Fitness Professional, my job is to help teach you what you need to learn to achieve your goals and feel good in your skin. With summer around the corner, I am here to help you feel confident and fit …

May 17, 2017
Ab training, Caroline Jordan

“Baby You’re A Star” No Impact Floor Workout. 30 Minute Long & Lean Routine

Press play on this feel good No Impact Floor Workout for Long & Lean Muscles. SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube channel for videos to help you FEEL GOOD LIKE Caroline Jordan Fitness on facebook Hi Friends! This 30 minute floor workout video works your total body without placing pressure on your feet and ankles. Its NO …

May 3, 2017
Ab training, Caroline Jordan, Fitness, Workout Videos, Workouts

20-Minute Advanced Chair Cardio Workout Video You Can Do With A Foot or Ankle Injury

A fun and challenging Chair Cardio Workout you can do with a foot or ankle injury. Work your heart and muscles with this exercise video routine.   STAY IN SHAPE with an injury with my FULL Injury Recovery Coaching Program or virtual fitness coaching. I want to help you keep you fit, sane, and positive. …

March 30, 2017
Caroline Jordan, YouTube
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